Tag Archives: Schools

Albania, Schools, and Roma

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Albania, Schools, and Roma

To fight against child labor, and particularly young Roma, Albanian teachers’ unions are mobilizing, trying to prevent school dropouts. But difficult to fill all the gaps of a drifting system.

Ireland, Slovakia, and Roma

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Ireland, Slovakia, and Roma

The person arrested for the murder of a young teacher, Ashling Murphy, is a Slovak, and apparently also Rom. This is bad. A Slovak MP, Peter Pollak, urged to refrain from collective guilt on Roma.

Ireland, Slovakia, and Roma

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Ireland, Slovakia, and Roma

The Slovak view on the intervention of the Slovak MP Peter Pollak on the arrest of a suspect for the murder of the Irish teacher Ashling Murphy.

Germany: Project and Exhibition

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Germany: Project and Exhibition

Around 60 youngsters from the Albert Einstein School (AES) will now be able to guide their classmates through an exhibition entitled “The Path of the Sinti and Roma”. They have been trained accordingly. The students are involved in a project called “School without Racism – School with Courage”.

EU and Roma

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EU and Roma

The European Commission (EC) and the Council of Europe (CoE) are looking for 144 counselling service providers with specific expertise in inclusive education practices and policies for Roma children.

Slovakia Settlements

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Slovakia Settlements

A recent study has shown the abysmal differences of living conditions of Roma in Settlements in comparison to the rest of the population. The settlements need water, schools, and a minimum of infrastructure and services.

Roma Settlement in Slovenia

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Roma Settlement in Slovenia

Although the municipality of Škocjan does not officially have an autochthonous Roma minority and thus no Roma councillor, there are more Roma there every year. More than three hundred Roma already live in two settlements in Dobruška. This means that in a municipality with about 3,400 inhabitants, about ten percent of the Roma population already has. The school already has a fifth or 20 percent of schoolchildren are Roma children.

The settlements have water, and the municipality installed chemical toilets.

Belgrade and Roma

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Belgrade and Roma

Many Roma children and adolescents in Belgrade are forced to work. They do not go to school regularly, and cultural practices and sports activities are often beyond their reach. The (per)Spective project wants to open the doors of cinemas and museums to them.

Gypsy Musical Academy

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Gypsy Musical Academy

There is a “Gypsy Musical Academy” in Italy, and no, it has nothing to do with Roma. It is a school for artists who want to go into musicals.

Slovakia and Education

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Slovakia and Education

An article about a schoolteacher, teaching at a Roma school, who says schoolbooks need to be made more attractive. To make it easier for Roma children, she designed special workbooks with letters for dyslexics.

She definitively helps Roma in her school. Whether her approach is the right one remains to be seen.

Spain: School Program

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A short article on a program helping young Roma in school in Galicia.

– Gitanos contra los prejuicios. In: La Opinion a Coruna. 18.03.2019. https://www.laopinioncoruna.es/sociedad/2019/03/18/gitanos-prejuicios/1384991.html [link-preview url=”https://www.laopinioncoruna.es/sociedad/2019/03/18/gitanos-prejuicios/1384991.html”]

Hungary, Roma, and Education

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Hungary is launching a new program of vocational training for Roma in agriculture. It is supposed to help Roma integration. Unfortunately, Hungary is also one of the leaders in terms of segregated schools at all educational levels, something that goes against integrations.

– Bentlakásos iskolákba terelnék a roma fiatalokat, hogy gazdálkodókat faragjanak belőlük. In: 24.hu. 14.03.2019. https://24.hu/belfold/2019/03/14/bentlakasos-iskola-roma-fiatalok-agroma/
– Agrár szakközépiskolai hálózattal vágnának bele a roma felzárkóztatásba. In: Index.hu. 14.03.2019. https://index.hu/belfold/2019/03/14/roma_ciganysag_felzarkoztatas_oktatas_agroma_program_vilagitotorony_mezogazdasag_szakkozepiskola/ [link-preview url=”https://24.hu/belfold/2019/03/14/bentlakasos-iskola-roma-fiatalok-agroma/ “]

Well …

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A primary school in Hannover, Germany, is asking the government to limit the number of Roma children that they have to take. Reason behind it is that the city created a new centre for homeless people in the territory covered by the school, and moved a number of Roma there. The school is asking the city to spread the children in other schools.

– Grundschule Mengendamm möchte nicht viele Roma-Kinder aufnehmen. In: Hannoverische Allgemeine. 11.03.2019. http://www.haz.de/Hannover/Aus-der-Stadt/Hannover-List-Grundschule-Mengendamm-moechte-nicht-viele-Roma-Kinder-aufnehmen [link-preview url=”http://www.haz.de/Hannover/Aus-der-Stadt/Hannover-List-Grundschule-Mengendamm-moechte-nicht-viele-Roma-Kinder-aufnehmen”]

A School in Hungary

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A long article about a school project in North Eastern Hungary. Worthwhile project and read.

– Eine Schule für Europas Unberührbare. Die Zeit. 06.02.2019. https://www.zeit.de/2019/07/bildung-ungarn-schule-ghetto-roma-jugendliche [link-preview url=”https://www.zeit.de/2019/07/bildung-ungarn-schule-ghetto-roma-jugendliche”]

UK, Racism, and Roma

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The story of a young Romni in School in the UK.

– “We the youth must never give up the fight for Roma equality”. In: The Travellers’ Times. 07.02.2019. https://www.travellerstimes.org.uk/ytt/news/2018/02/we-youth-must-never-give-fight-roma-equality?fbclid=IwAR3Ws_-zv41P3ms9WQ0SkHBP7rQ0qhOUJ-EeB38RWSWU1MIZdf8vqIyORwU [link-preview url=”https://www.travellerstimes.org.uk/ytt/news/2018/02/we-youth-must-never-give-fight-roma-equality?fbclid=IwAR3Ws_-zv41P3ms9WQ0SkHBP7rQ0qhOUJ-EeB38RWSWU1MIZdf8vqIyORwU”]

French Chronicle …

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Not many news in France on Roma this week. An article in Libération is somewhat disturbing. While it is called “No one has Roma friends, I asked myself why”, it nevertheless perpetuates clichés which is what the French press is doing all the time. Other than that, the usual news. In Western France, Roma children need to go to school; the site of a former camp was cleaned up in Nantes; near Paris, a squat was damaged by fire; and in the North, several housing projects, also targeted at Roma will be funded.

– «Personne n’a d’amis roms, je me suis demandé pourquoi». In: Libération. 23.01.2019. https://www.liberation.fr/france/2019/01/23/personne-n-a-d-amis-roms-je-me-suis-demande-pourquoi_1704951
– Vertou. Une trentaine d’enfants Roms à scolariser. In: Ouest France. 24.01.2019. https://www.ouest-france.fr/pays-de-la-loire/vertou-44120/vertou-une-trentaine-d-enfants-roms-scolariser-6193822
– Coups de tractopelle pour une première opération de nettoyage à l’Est de Nantes. In: Ouest France. 24.01.2019. https://www.ouest-france.fr/pays-de-la-loire/nantes-44000/coups-de-tractopelle-l-est-de-nantes-6193778
– Dammarie-les-Lys : un squat endommagé par un incendie. In: Le Parisien. 22.01.2019. http://www.leparisien.fr/seine-et-marne-77/dammarie-les-lys-un-squat-endommage-par-un-incendie-22-01-2019-7993941.php
– Lille : Un jury citoyen a voté, 18 projets d’habitants seront financés en 2019. In: La Voix du Nord. 25.01.2019. http://www.lavoixdunord.fr/527202/article/2019-01-25/un-jury-citoyen-vote-18-projets-d-habitants-seront-finances-en-2019 [link-preview url=”https://www.liberation.fr/france/2019/01/23/personne-n-a-d-amis-roms-je-me-suis-demande-pourquoi_1704951 “]

Roma Choir

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A Roma choir visited Belfast this week and took parts in workshops with schoolchildren in the city.

– Roma choir sings for Belfast schools to ‘bridge the divide’. In: BBC News. 25.01.2019. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-northern-ireland-46995146 [link-preview url=”https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-northern-ireland-46995146″]

Slovakia: Community Centre

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A Roma community centre will be built in Liptovska Teplicka in central Slovakia. It is meant to help schooling Roma in manual and computer work and is funded by the EU.
Question is as usual, is this the right solution?

– V Liptovskej Tepličke plánujú postaviť komunitné centrum pre rómov. In: Spiš Korzar. 22.01.2019. https://spis.korzar.sme.sk/c/22035103/v-liptovskej-teplicke-planuju-postavit-komunitne-centrum-pre-romov.html [link-preview url=”https://spis.korzar.sme.sk/c/22035103/v-liptovskej-teplicke-planuju-postavit-komunitne-centrum-pre-romov.html”]
