Tag Archives: Slavery

Romania, the Church, and Roma Slavery

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The Romanian Orthodox Church is refusing to apologise for the Roma slavery in Romanian lands, a slavery that lasted until 1862. They were parts of the problems, as there were a whole category of Roma who were slaves of the church.

Romania, the Church, and Slavery

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A leader of the Romanian Roma community, Dorin Cioaba, is planning to sue the Romanian church for its role in Roma slavery in Romania. This would be a good thing for the church to have to admit their involvement and guilt in the Romanian Roma Slavery.

French Chronicle …

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Pretty usual week in France on Roma. An exhibition on the Romanian slavery of Roma in Nantes; near Paris, Roma are getting support for them to stay in a camp near Bobigny from their neighbours, an exception; also near Paris, a camp is evacuated; in Lyon, Roma finally get water; two camps closed in the South of France; and finally, several Roma were condemned for having defrauded immigration candidates from the East.
