Tag Archives: Stereotype

Poking fun – No Comment on Taste

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An article in Watson pokes fun at the media fascination in Switzerland with the Rroma wedding near Zurich. Noting that where does Switzerland goes if Farmers do what they want with their land, but also noting that 20 Minutes said that as the population was on holidays, there were concern about potential thefts, clearly equating Rroma with thieves.

Let’s challenge these idiotic stereotypes!

Needham: Rroma and missing children

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Needham: Rroma and missing children

Again, a stereotype: Police questions a Rroma family over the disappearance in 1991 (YES!) of a boy.

Please get it right, either Rroma steal babies, or they have too many of them. Make up your mind but stop this garbage.

In Belgium, stereotypes and the press

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In Belgium, stereotypes and the press

Belgium’s federal centre for equality of chances is organising meetings between the media and Rroma representatives to combat negative stereotypes in the press and to further a Rroma voice in the articles. They note that only two out 74 articles allowed Rroma to present their point of view.

About time…
