Tag Archives: Stereotypes

Roma Ball

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Roma Ball

An article on the Roma ball held in Bratislava and the outfits of the Roma who attended. The article stresses the amount of jewellery and gold worn by the attendees.


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The upcoming John Wick film “Ballerina”, featuring actors Ana de Armas, Ian McShane, Norman Reedus and Anjelica Huston. What does this have to do with Roma?

Well, the main character “has been trained in the assassin methods of the Russian Roma”. This is de-facto profiling Roma and misrepresenting them.

Besides the fact that killing people is not part of Romani culture.


Vlach Roma

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Vlach Roma

An article about Vlach Roma in Czechia (called Olah there). Full of generalisations and stereotypes. The article starts by saying “Women in colorful skirts, men hung with gold – a closed community with its own rules and judgments. Weddings at fifteen, a strict division of roles and its own dialect of Romanes.”

Slovenia and School Inclusion

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Slovenia and School Inclusion

The Slovene education ministry is planning amendments to the Kindergarten Act, which aims to increase the inclusion of Roma in preschool education.

Now look at the picture used to illustrate this: This is typical of segregated schools, where stereotypes are the norm. Would this happen to other minorities?

Teaching about Roma in Greece and Romania

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Teaching about Roma in Greece and Romania

The representation of people in schools says a lot about their condition. In this regard, that of the Roma raises questions in the Balkan countries: despite some real efforts, school textbooks remain very incomplete and perpetuate false ideas, as in Romania and Greece.

Good article, false history… Roma left earlier than indicated.

Roma Misrepresentation

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Roma Misrepresentation

An article about the representation of Romain Greece and Romania schoolbooks.

Good intentions, but stating that Roma arrived in the 14th century in Europe is also a misrepresentation …

They would never have had the opportunity to learn Greek …

So good intentions, and total lack of knowledge.

Poland: Disinformation

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Poland: Disinformation

Fighting disinformation is one of the priorities of the Polish presidency of the European Union. However, this problem is not limited only to the harmful influences of Russia and Belarus. In Poland, the distorted image of Roma in the media, perpetuating long-standing stereotypes and false narratives, is having increasing consequences. The latest report by the Dom na Pograniczu Foundation is the first in Poland to reveal the scale of this phenomenon, which contributes to the further marginalization of one of the most stigmatized social groups in the country.

Na Plech

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Na Plech

Extremely incorrect comedy “Na plech” is a big hit  in Czech cinemas with more that 65’000 viewers in the first week, Slovak cinemas are afraid of it. It is an extremely incorrect comedy, with uncompromising style and humor that goes beyond the limit. For example, one of the scenes features a group of Roma cooking methamphetamine.

Greece: Trump and Roma

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Greece: Trump and Roma

What does Trump have to do with Roma? Well, according to this Greek article, American Presidential Inaugurations are very much like Roma weddings. Actually not like Roma weddings, but what the journalist thinks Roma wedding are like.

Bad, as it perpetuates stereotypes.

Roma Weddings in Leskovac

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Roma Weddings in Leskovac

An article about Roma weddings full of stereotypes. It says for example that “the Roma dream is not to make a big business, but a big wedding”. According to the article, weddings last a few days, there are a lot of guests, hundreds of thousands of euros are spent… But this cultural tradition of the Roma has also changed over time. Weddings used to last seven days, now “only” two to three days. Of course, there are exaggerations in these stories, because not everyone is so rich that they can afford to have their guests entertained by some real music stars. Those who are barely making ends meet have the selfless help of friends and relatives, so someone pays for the music.


Transcarpathian Ukraine Kalderaša

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Transcarpathian Ukraine Kalderaša

A series of photographs of Christian Baptists Kalderaša from the Transcarpathian region of the Ukraine. As usual, these kind of articles pander to stereotypes. Roma palaces, “mysterious” Roma, etc…

Bad for all.

Crime and Slovenia

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Crime and Slovenia

The Slovene Minister of the Interior Boštjan Poklukar says that Slovenia is one of the safest European countries and that its crime rates are very low. The article goes on to say that “many people are probably left with a bitter taste when they remember the problems caused by Roma in parts of Slovenia or the past epidemic of robberies in Ljubljana by migrants”.


French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

Not much this week. A really bad news about a 23-year-old Rom who was arrested for reaping his 13 years old cousin that had been promised to him in marriage. The girl, from Romania, managed to escape and is now under protection. This is really bad as it enforces the stereotypes. Other than that, the extreme rightist Alain Soral who is being investigated for antisemitism is now also under investigations for rabid statements about Roma.

Slovakia: Stereotypes

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Slovakia: Stereotypes

A re-edition of an article of a while back of a Vlach Romni from Slovakia who is teaching in a school. Unfortunately, all stereotypes are present: arranged early marriages, patriarchal society, etc…
