Tag Archives: Sterotypes

Switzerland and Roma

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Switzerland and Roma

Another article, this time in the TV news about the formal complaint against a Bernese politician for racism. Since he sits in the government from the canton, the prosecutor had to ask for lifting his immunity. The decision will be taken on November 25th, but according to the article, the article, it seems he has little to fear.

Switzerland has a long way to go on racism …

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

Another one of these misinformed “documentaries” in France that show one can say anything about Roma. Here, in one of the main TV chanels, where they say there are 17’000 Roma in France – well, if you use that (as the French do) aas a synonym for Romanian Roma of recent arrival, this is correct. But nevertheless, this is pitifull.

Other news are a festival, l’Arbre vagabond in Chambon-sur-Lignon; a vampo near Nantes, where there was a fire fater which it was vacated; another campo where the city of Nantes dives itself 4 years (yes) to relocate Roma from a camp; and in the same city, a new Roma camp in a site that is full of arsenic and mercury.

The French have done nothing in more than twenty years to integrate around 20’000 Roma from Romania. They are still living in slums, being evicted and resettling in another one. Shame.

Slovakia and the Persecution of Roma

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Slovakia and the Persecution of Roma

An article about a book on the persecution and deportation of Roma during World War Two in Slovakia. It unfortunately centres on “nomadism” and puts a caravan as an image. That there had never been nomadic Roma in Slovakia is not mentioned.

So, with good ntentions, this cements stereotypes.

Czechia: Social Centre

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The Roma community centre Lačo jilo [Good heart] in Přerov, which until recently was located in a dilapidated building  and has acquired new facilities for its activities. Charita Přerov, under which the centre falls, agreed on a lease with the owner of the building in Škodova street. Roma children from socially excluded locations can use the premises for various activities.

Slovenia: Wedding

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A critical article with undertones about a Roma wedding organised by a rich Rom who worked abroad.

The undertone is that this is all criminal money. The groom was Italian, the bride Bulgarian and all of this in Slovenia …

Bulgaria: Is this needed?

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An article about the Romani folk singer Teddy Alexadrova. She is 32 years old, and not married. According to this “article”, her family is looking for a suitable husband for her.

Many stereotypes in such a short article.

I am a Romni

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Dessi, 23, is one of the first Roma teachers in Bulgaria. The teaser of the Deutche Welle interview states that “only about 3 percent Roma in the country have higher education, only 23 percent have secondary education. Added to this is the fact that Roma girls tend to marry off the record very early – a common practice that is illegal but usually tolerated by the state.”

Well, all stereotypes, and total lack of the most basic math skills: They do not know how many Roma there are in the country. So how can they state exact percentages?
