Tag Archives: Television

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

In Nantes, in Western France, the city is closing one of the largest Roma slums where more than 1’000 people live and is trying to re-lodge them. Near Paris, volunteers are catching stray cats on the site of a former Roma camp. The festival “A month for Roma” is closing with conferences and various activities. Unfortunately, they always speak of Travellers…

Finally, several articles on a reportage on the M6 channel filmed in a Roma camp. This reportage also showed that many of the residents of this camp work as day-labourers for farmers …

Serbia: TV Series

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Serbia: TV Series

The first Roma-Serbian series in the region “Love in Silence”, which will soon start broadcasting on TV Pink, brings an exciting and deep story about the birth of love at the moment when two different worlds meet, but also about the challenges faced by Roma in Serbia and around the world and fight against prejudices and stereotypes that society is prone to. Among the fantastic cast that is part of this important project is the popular actor Saša Joksimović, who prepared for this role very thoroughly. Given that he plays Roma Danijel, Saša had to learn both Romani and Macedonian languages.

Poland, Roma, and Netflix

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“Infamia” has just debuted on Netflix. The series by Anna Maliszewska and Jakub Czekaj is, in many respects, a unique and very original production. Although it does not avoid minor mistakes and shortcomings, one can honestly admit that it is one of the most interesting Polish TV series in recent months, and maybe even years.

Germany: Grimme Prize

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The German Grimme Prize is considered the most important prize for German TV. The winners have been known for a while, but they only now received their prizes. In the “Information & Culture” category, Peter Nestler was honoured for his documentary film about the injustice against German Sinti and Roma families. He tells of Romani Rose’s family, their resistance and their insistence on justice (ZDF/3sat, 112 minutes).

Vojvodina TV

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“Paleta” is a program of the Radio-television Vojvodina.It is a selection from the content prepared by the television editorial offices in the languages of the national communities, thus also in Romanes. In order to get closer to each other, “Paleta” is broadcast in the languages of the national communities, with a Serbian translation.
