Tag Archives: Travellers

Mantova and Travellers

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An article about the open bills left by Roma and travellers in a camp in Maontova, Italy. Apparently, they left unpaid electricity bills, tapped illegally in the electrical system, did not pay the fees for camping etc. All this amounting to more than 400’000 euros.

Not good.

Travellers in Zurich

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The city of Zurich has allocated a large credit for the move and maintenance of a camping site for travellers in the Altstetten Neighbourhood of the city.

Switzerland and Travellers

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A commentary in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung saying that local Yenishe and Sinti are literally suffering from the travelling foreign Roma who do not respect local rules.

One has to stress here that Switzerland is the only place where camping sites for travellers are de-facto segregated.

Switzerland and Travellers

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The country has an issue with actually providing camping sites to travellers. Not only are there not enough, but they also distinguish between “local” Travellers, the Jenische and Sinti and Manouche and “foreign” ones, i.e. the Roma.

Now one canton is setting up a working group on the topic. See you again in five years …

Switzerland and Travellers

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Another conflict between Swiss towns and Roma travellers. This time in Yverdon. The town has blocked access to a camping site with concrete blocks, preventing the Roma who are there from leaving with their caravans.

There are not enough sites in Switzerland, and the highest court in the land is prompting the cantons to remedy this issue. Nothing is of course done.

Switzerland and Travellers

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Yeniche, Sinti and Roma are entitled to camping sites, which are rare in the Lake Zurich region. The site in Meilen is now to be renovated and expanded. Specifically, ten parking spaces are to be created. Ten is not much when one knows that there are often up to 50 caravans underway.

Switzerland and Travellers

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The Swiss are not exactly generous to Travellers. And they do not even recognise Roma (but they do recognise Sinti and manouches) besides the Jenishe as a national minority. Now they are cutting the meagre amount they spend.


Switzerland and Travellers

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There are not enough camping sites for travellers in Switzerland. This is definitively not new. The Council of Europe is now telling Switzerland it must act.

Let’s see, as the country is very good at doing nothing on this topic.
