Tag Archives: Zoltan Balog

Hungary: Situation Improved

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Hungary: Situation Improved

What a joke … According to Mr. Zoltan Balog, the Hungarian minister for Human Resources, the situation of Rroma improved over the last two years in Hungary. Specifically, 50’000 Rroma have found new jobs. What he forgets to say is that these jobs are in the so-called Közmunka – or mandatory work scheme that replaced social care.

This is total BS…

Hungary and Rroma Education

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Hungary and Rroma Education

The EU warned Hungary about the discrimination of Rroma in the country’s school system. De facto, schools are segregated and Rroma are not give a chance to Rroma. This segregation is encouraged at top level, for example by the Minister of Human Resources, Zoltan Balog.

Hungary: Rroma only schools

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The Hungarian supreme court allowed Rroma only religious schools in that country. The Hungarian minister for Education, Integration, and Human resources had been supporting the views from the schools who had lost a case in lower instances. The EU and the Chance for Childrne Foundations were clearly against it.

So are we… Segregation on any reason is not an answer. The answer is integration.
