Well …

A primary school in Hannover, Germany, is asking the government to limit the number of Roma children that they have to take. Reason behind it is that the city created a new centre for homeless people in the territory covered by the school, and moved a number of Roma there. The school is asking the city to spread the children in other schools.

– Grundschule Mengendamm möchte nicht viele Roma-Kinder aufnehmen. In: Hannoverische Allgemeine. 11.03.2019. http://www.haz.de/Hannover/Aus-der-Stadt/Hannover-List-Grundschule-Mengendamm-moechte-nicht-viele-Roma-Kinder-aufnehmen [link-preview url=”http://www.haz.de/Hannover/Aus-der-Stadt/Hannover-List-Grundschule-Mengendamm-moechte-nicht-viele-Roma-Kinder-aufnehmen”]

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