02.08.2013 Rroma Xenophobia as Economical Racism

Jurga (2013) takes an interesting look at – but even here caution is advisable before generalization – the coincidence of economic deprivation and racist tendencies. Based on the concept of “short-changed” Jurga wants to show that there is a battle for public attention and social benefits, which in the case of the houses in Duisburg manifests itself in hateful slogans against Rroma. Thus state aid measures for the Rroma are perceived as unfair advantage of foreign nationals who are “seating themselves at already to small tables”. Competition for housing, jobs or simply overfilled settlement favours this kind of economic racism, which is the most common form of xenophobia at all.


  • Jurga, Werner (2013) Zuwanderung in Duisburg: Fußvolkes Futterneid. In: Xtra News online vom 28.7.2013. 