03.10.2014 Stereotypes: homeless Rroma-immigrants in London

Miller (2014) reports on homeless Rroma-immigrants in London for the tabloid Daily Mail. The facts are presented with as a result, the creation of the stereotypical image of a group of poorly educated Eastern Europeans that are on welfare and do not want or cannot integrate. It is said: “Complaints from local residents and businesses include reports of Eastern European gangs begging, washing in fountains, dumping rubbish, and defecating in public. Speaking last month Mayfair hairdresser Hakan Altay’s said the problem has been worse for his business than the economic crash. He said: ‘My business is down 20 per cent because of these gypsies. It didn’t affect us straight away, but it’s slowly killing it. Every single day we have problems.” Repeatedly, by reporting about Rroma – or supposed Rroma – that cause trouble, a one-sided notion of the minority is conveyed. This stereotype corresponds to the polemics of right-wing nationalist parties who have repeatedly warned of a mass immigration of Rroma into the British welfare state. The fact that this is a minority of the minority, is not reported. Rroma belong to all social classes. According to estimates of the Rroma Foundation, 90,000 to 120,000 Rroma live in the UK, often for generations. Most of them are integrated, have a job and their own flats.
