05.04.2013 Rroma Requiem in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust

Frankfurt Rroma Orchestra has been rehearsing a requiem by the Swiss composer Roger Moreno Rathgeb in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. Rathgeb comes from a Swiss Sinti family. After a visit to Auschwitz, he was so moved that he had to take a long break from work on the Requiem. In addition to its function as remembrance and as a vehicle force thoughts, the Requiem is also a commentary on the classical views on gypsy music. The music of the Romany is simply not just a collection of quickly played notes on the violin with lots of singing but also, as Rathgeb composition shows, has influences ranging from classical, Arabic elements, and Central European folk music from the 19th Century. The Requiem is also contribution to the further thoughts within the public on the often negated genocide of the Rroma under the Nazis. At its premiere in Hungary was presented by the philanthropist George Soros. He challenged the often-heard opinion that Rroma primarily exclude themselves out of society, and stated it is a governmental and social exclusion that must be overcome.


  • Malachowski, Marcel (2013) Musik als Reflex der Vergangenheit. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung vom 5.4.2013.