12.04.2013 New Rroma Office in Freiburg

The Rroma office in Freiburg inaugurated its new office in conjunction with the International Rroma day. Its aim is to better integrate local Rroma through language training and to sensitize mainstream society on minority issues and prejudices. Paradoxically, the Rroma office itself used some stereotypes, as traditional Rroma music was played, and visitors were able to ask a fortune-teller to predict their future. An exhibition about Rroma in the Ukraine during World War II allowed a historical reflection. Posters talked about the suffering and persecution of Rroma under the Nazi terror.

URL: http://www.roma-buero-freiburg.eu


  • Gesell, Sina (2013) Roma-Büro Freiburg weiht seine neuen Geschäftsräume ein. In: Badische Zeitung vom 10.4.2013.   