Daily Archives: October 19, 2016


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Germany has many dishes that are called “Zigeuner” or Gypsy. There have been calls to change these names. A restaurant owner in Wiesbaden indeed did this: Instead of Zigeunerschnitzel – a Gypsy steak – he re-labelled it “Sinti und Roma Schnitzel” – Sinti and Roma Steak. He now has a racism complaint against him.

– Wiesbadener Wirt nennt “Zigeunerschnitzel” um. In: Focus Online. 17.10.2016. http://www.focus.de/regional/wiesbaden/rassismus-vorwuerfe-wiesbadener-wirt-nennt-zigeunerschnitzel-um_id_6081733.html

France Revives Old Law on Travellers

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The French senate re-established the old 1969 law on travellers which forces them to carry a travel documents which allows them to travel and forces them to be attached to a commune, précising that no village or town shoudl have more than 3% of travellers.
The law had been abrogated in 2015.

– Gens du voyage : le Sénat rétablit un quota de 3% par commune. In: Public Sénat. 13.10.2016. http://www.publicsenat.fr/lcp/politique/gens-voyage-senat-retablit-un-quota-3-commune-1521400

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