Monthly Archives: October 2016

Slovakia: I am Rom

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A Rroma blogger from Slovakia says what it means to be Rrom in that country. “I am Rom … Therefore I am different, do I have four arms, two human hearts? Who am I to say, where I was a Rom?”

– Som Róm… In: SME Blog. 18.10.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Domari and Exclusion

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The Domari (cousins of the Rroma) are apparently at the bottom of the social ladder in Israel. Bad!

– Jerusalem’s Gypsies: The Community With the Lowest Social Standing in Israel. In: Haaretz. 22.10.2016. [link-preview url=”″]

Reportage on the Shutka

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A French reportage in the Shutka in Skopje, Macedonia.

– Gael Turine, la rue tranquille d’une capitale Rom. In: France Info. 22.10.2016. [link-preview url=”″]

Italy: Know before Judging!

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An interesting article about Rroma in Italy, speaking about the Abbruzzesi – an autochthonous local Rroma group that are the descendants of the first Rroma who arrived there in the early 15th century, the more recent Sinti, and the Rroma from former Yugoslavia. They also speak about the camps and the fact that Rroma are forced to live in such camps, often against their will.

– Rom: conoscere, prima di giudicare. In: L’Opinione. 22.10.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Germany: Duisburg expels Rroma

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The city of Duisburg in Germany expelled Rroma families from appartments in one of the city’s neighbourhoods. Apparently, these expulsions are against the law and were conducted in a brutal manner by the local police.

– Nachts auf die Straße gesetzt. In: Junge Welt. 21.10.2016.ße-gesetzt.html#top [link-preview url=”ße-gesetzt.html#top”]

Vienna: A Square named after a Rrom

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A square was named after the Rroma author Ilija Jovanović, who died in 2010 in that city and who was very active in the community and in Romano Centro.

– Wiener Park wird nach dem Lyriker Ilija Jovanović benannt. In: APA. 22.10.2016.
– Benennung von „Ilija-Jovanović-Park“ – 22.10.2016 In: ORF. 20.10.2016. [link-preview url=””]

French Chronicle …

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More of the same, in spite of the nearing winter. 600 Rroma displaced by the closure of a camp n St. Ouen near Paris; 100 other Rroma threatened with eviction from their camp near Vigneux sur Seine, close to Paris; a large controversy in the North of France with a mayor publishing statistics based on ethnicity (FORBIDDEN in France), stating that nearly 1’000 live in Denain; a recourse in Roubaix to prevent the destruction of a camp; various associations in Roubaix are protesting the expulsions of Rroma in that city; a positive news in the North with the education of migrant children, Rroma amongst them; another positive note in Nantes, with a shared lunch for migrants; tensions in the South West over squats, especially from Bulgarian Rroma; conflict in Béziers, in the South West of France between the mayor (very much anti-migrant) and associations over the closure of a room that, according to the mayor, was used as an illegal mailbox for migrants and Rroma; and finally, a fire in a camp near Montpellier.

– Saint-Ouen: un important campement Rom évacué. In: BFM TV. 21.10.2016.
– Une centaine de Roms vont être évacués. In: Le Parisien. 18.10.2016.
– Mille Roms à Denain? In: La Voix du Nord. 21.10.2016.
– Le tableau denaisien brossé par sa maire est-il aussi sombre que ça? In: La Voix du Nord. 21.10.2016.
– Roms des Couteaux: nouveau recours pour repousser l’expulsion de trois ans. In: La Voix du Nord.
– Roubaix : des associations fustigent la mairie après une expulsion de roms. In: Nord Éclair. 17.10.2016.
– Au collège Simone-de-Beauvoir, les enfants passent devant les réfugiés. In: La Voix du Nord. 17.10.2016.
– Au coeur de Nantes, un repas partagé contre la misère. In: Ouest France. 22.10.2016.
– Crispation autour des squats. In: Ouest France. 22.10.2016.
– Béziers : le conflit entre la municipalité et l’ABCR devant le Conseil d’État. In: Midi Libre. 21.10.2016.,1412690.php
– Montpellier : caravanes et épaves en feu à cause d’une bougie ! In: Infos H24. 18.10.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Poland: A Case of Prejudice?

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The mayor of a small city in Poland received an enquiry from the Ombudsmann over his city’s reluctance to settle a family of Rroma in the commune. According to the Ombudsman, this could definitively be deemed to be racial prejudice. And clearly, people in that twon do not want any Rroma as neighbours.

– Kamionna, Czchów. Wójt musi się tłumaczyć z niechęci do Romów. In: Dziennik. 22.10.2016.,10767504/ [link-preview url=”,10767504/”]

Poland: Integration in Puławy

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The city of Puławy in South Eastern Poland has started a new program aimed at furthering the integration of Rroma in that city.
The program aims at reducing prejudices and at furthering Rroma in the school system, as many do not go further than elementary school. The city is home to 260 Rroma.

– Puławy: Integracja Romów może być trudna. In: Dziennik. 17.10.2016.,n,1000188340.html [link-preview url=”,n,1000188340.html”]

Another one on the Schnitzel

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More on the Schnitzel story. With a big BUT … The article says that he is of course not racist, that he often had “Gypsy” guests who found that funny, and other such statements.
Well, he’s wrong.

– Rassismus-Debatte Wirt tauft Zigeunerschnitzel um. In: Express. 19.10.2016. [link-preview url=”″]

England: More on the Adoption

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Another article about the imminent adoption of two young Rroma girls whose parents have now returned to Hungary. As said, matters are more complex than represented here.

– Roma sisters ordered to remain with UK foster family. In: Sky News. 21.10.2016. [link-preview url=”″]

Otto Pankok

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An article about the Sinto painter Otto Pankok who made hundreds of paintings and drawings depicting the murderous madness of the Nazi regime.
A must see.

– Menschlich bleiben in unmenschlicher Zeit. In: Deutschlandradio Kultur. 20.10.2016. [link-preview url=”″]

UK and Adoption

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Two young Rroma children who were removed in London from their parent’s home (at birth and at the age of 15 months) are now allowed to be given for adoption following a ruling of the High Court.
The children were traken away against their parents’ will because of the poverty and squalid conditions they lived in. The parent, Rroma from Hungary, meanwhile returned to Hungary.
Here, the well being of the children was used as an argument. But is it really sufficient to deprive them of their parents and to deprive the parents of their children?

– Roma sisters should be adopted, the High Court rules. In: Stowe. 19.10.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Ireland: Racism and Poverty

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A new report in Ireland shows that Rroma are often affected by racism and are more prone to poverty. The survey was conducted by Rroma activists and covered 30 households, i.e. a rather small number.
Irish Integration minister, David Stanton, meanwhile said that Rroma must be integrated.

– Racism and poverty affect Roma lives in Ireland, report finds. In: The Irish Time. 19.10.2016.
– Roma community urged to integrate into Irish society. In: RTE. 19.10.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Bratislava: Roma Youth Empowerment

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The Human Right directorate of the European Commission organised a conference in Bratislava with roughly 200 young Rroma from 30 countries on the theme of Roma Youth Empowerment. These young Rroma got the opportunity to meet and speak with members of the commission and other EU representatives as well as to exchange views and experience. The organisers awarded prices, among which for best Rroma NGO, the Romanian Impreuna; best media, Slovenian Radio Romic; and best personality, which went to Sampicha Souleiman from Greece for his work against stereotypes.

– Bratislava združila 200 mladih Romov iz vse Evrope. In: RTVSL. 14.10.2016. [link-preview url=”″]

France: Montreuil makes it to International Press

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The hunt for the Rroma who were expelled in July from their camp made it to the international press. The French are now trying to expel these Rroma from France, i.e. send them back to Romania.
Good read to see what is really going on.

– ‘Trying to run them out of town’: French police confront Roma. In: CBC News. 18.10.2016. [link-preview url=”″]

Slovenia Views on Roma in Greece

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A Slovenian article about Rroma in a ghetto in Greece, near Thessaloniki. All stereotypes are present. Poor, many children, parents in jail, under drugs, etc.

– Zaposlovanje Romov – izkušnje kažejo, da se da. In: 17.10.2016. [link-preview url=””]


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Germany has many dishes that are called “Zigeuner” or Gypsy. There have been calls to change these names. A restaurant owner in Wiesbaden indeed did this: Instead of Zigeunerschnitzel – a Gypsy steak – he re-labelled it “Sinti und Roma Schnitzel” – Sinti and Roma Steak. He now has a racism complaint against him.

– Wiesbadener Wirt nennt “Zigeunerschnitzel” um. In: Focus Online. 17.10.2016. [link-preview url=””]

France Revives Old Law on Travellers

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The French senate re-established the old 1969 law on travellers which forces them to carry a travel documents which allows them to travel and forces them to be attached to a commune, précising that no village or town shoudl have more than 3% of travellers.
The law had been abrogated in 2015.

– Gens du voyage : le Sénat rétablit un quota de 3% par commune. In: Public Sénat. 13.10.2016. [link-preview url=”″]

Frankfurt and Rroma Migrants

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Rroma have been camping in front of the Weissfrauenkirche – a church in Frankfurt. The church has been pleading for month to move them elsewhere, which is now happening.
Again, not a permanent abode, but just another place where to camp.
This is not a solution.

– „Für den Moment ein guter Kompromiss“ In: FAZ. 12.10.2016. [link-preview url=””]