Daily Archives: June 28, 2018

EU and Slovakia

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Thorbjörn Jagland, the Secretary General of the Council of Europe (RE), met Slovakia’s Prime Minister Petar Pellegrinim in Strasbourg and confirmed he will visit Slovakia in the autumn. He was invited to visit last October by former Prime Minister Robert Fico, and Jagland then expressed his interest to visit the Spišský Hrhov village, known as a successful example of Roma integration.
He will also meet Roma representatives.

– Generálny tajomník Rady Európy chce vidieť slovenských Rómov: Pellegrini už vie, kam ho zavedie. In: Novy Cas. 27.06.2018. https://www.cas.sk/clanok/711553/generalny-tajomnik-rady-europy-chce-vidiet-slovenskych-romov-pellegrini-uz-vie-kam-ho-zavedie/

Reality of Returns

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An article which shows the stark reality of the life of returning Roma refugees. Germany has been sending back Roma from former Yugoslavia back to their countries of origins on the premises that these are “safe”.
The returnees are left to their own means and face a difficult time.

– “Die haben meine Träume geraubt”. In: Deutschland Funk Kultur. 21.06.2018. https://www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de/roma-rueckkehrer-auf-dem-balkan-die-haben-meine-traeume.979.de.html?dram%3Aarticle_id=420690

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