Monthly Archives: May 2019

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

Very few news on Roma this week in France (always a good thing). First, a report on racism against Roma in France and worrying statistics. A theatre play in the South of France. A comic strip on an Ursari family who comes to France. More political, Roma in Ivry, near Paris, are protesting in front of the Prefecture. And finally, a clean-up operation on the site of a former Roma camp near Paris.


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The Italian press is full of the story of an altercation of a Serbian footballer Sinisa Mihajlovic who clashed with the Italian police after being insulted as a “Gypsy” …

Poland – Limanowa

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Poland – Limanowa

The endless story of the efforts by the municipality of Limanowa in Poland to evict Roma from the town and re-settle them outside of it has finally come to an end. A court has ruled that the eviction is no acceptable.

75 Years Ago

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75 Years Ago

May 16th market the 75th anniversary of the Roma Uprising in Auschwitz.

May the victims rest in peace.

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The burial of a popular Rom Vajda Ligač in Nitra, Slovakia, made the headlines in the press. May he rest in peace.

– S nitrianskym vajdom sa rozlúčili stovky ľudí, polícia regulovala dopravu. In: SME. 11.05.2019.
– VIDEO Rómovia pochovávali obľúbeného vajdu Ligača († 67): Toto nešťastní trúchliaci nečakali! In: Pluska. 11.05.2019.
– VIDEO Žalostný nárek Rómov v areáli nitrianskej nemocnice: Ich vajda vraj zomrel. In: Topky. 11.05.2019.–Ich-vajda-vraj-zomrel [link-preview url=” “]

Slovakia and Integration

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According to the press and government, more than half of the 154 planned integration activities have been completed in 2018. This stems from the monitoring report on the implementation of the Strategy for Roma Integration until 2020. The balance of 2018 was submitted by the Ministry of the Interior to the interdepartmental comment procedure.
Whether this half is actually effective remains to be seen.

– Zo 154 aktivít na integráciu Rómov sa v roku 2018 plnilo 85. In: Teraz. 14.05.2019.
– Viac než polovica. Zo 154 plánovaných aktivít na integráciu Rómov sa v minulom roku splnilo 85. In: Hlavne Dennik. 10.05.2019. [link-preview url=” “]

Croatia and Roma

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The most deprived category of Croatians are Roma children …

– Roma Children Most Deprived Group in Croatia. In: Total Croatia News. 09.05.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Roma 2020

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An essay on the Slovak Integration plans for Roma called Roma 2020. The “Strategy for Roma Integration by 2020” seeks to address the problems of all Roma, ie. Roma living in small communities inside towns and villages as well as Roma outside villages in settlements. In its broad sense, this “strategy” is a comprehensive strategy.