Daily Archives: November 10, 2023

Slovakia: Portraits

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The portraits of ten Slovak Roma writers, as part of the exhibit “Portraits Between the Lines” from the artist  Šarlota Bottová opened on Tuesday (November 7) in the Ethnographic Museum in Martin. It was prepared by the Museum of Roma Culture in Slovakia on the occasion of the World Day of the Roma Language (November 5).

Slovakia, Fico, and Roma

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An increasing number of Roma are worried about the prime minister Fico and his plkans to abolish the office of the plenipotentiary for Roma of the Slovak government. Reason behind it might well be, that this office will decide on EU funds earmarked for Roma …

Roma and Antisemitism

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The Central Council of German Sinti and Roma issued a statement saying that they are deeply concerned by the increase of antisemitism and crimes and attacks against Jews in Germany.

They are right.
