In the town of Ribnica, in Southeastern Slovenia, Roma organizations and the management of the municipality met at a joint meeting. Among other things, they agreed that the municipality will provide drinking water to two settlements when the residents there meet a set of requirements. The municipality requires that Roma, among other things, be get involved in the integration process, send their children to school regularly, clean up the settlement and determine land boundaries.
In brief: So that the municipality provides a service that is due to all its residents, Roma have to fulfil some criteria. Especially the integration one, how will they measure that?
- Ribniškim Romom voda le ob izpolnitvi zahtev in vključitvi v proces integracije. In: N1. 28.08.2024.
- Romi v Ribnici bodo dobili vodo, ko bodo izpolnili določene obveznosti. In: reporter. 28.08.2024.
- Dogovor v Ribnici: Integracija Romov kot pogoj za pridobitev pitne vode. In: Portal 24. 28.08.2024.
- V Ribnici bodo Romom vodo napeljali, ko se bodo vključili v proces integracije in izpolnili obveznosti. In: Svet24. 28.08.2024.
- Vlada z ukrepi na področju romskih vprašanj, sestajajo se v Ribnici in Kočevju. In: 24Ur. 28.08.2024.