Odehnal (2014) reports on the hopelessness of the Rroma who returned from Switzerland. The 60 Rroma travelled to Switzerland in late October to apply for asylum. The applications were rejected immediately, because of the status of Hungary as an EU-country. Although Rroma are not politically persecuted in Hungary, they face severe discrimination in every day life. This fact was paid little attention to by the Swiss asylum authority: “On the evening of October the 19th, the 37-year-old Laszlo and his wife Anita, her five children and other Roma families boarded a coach to leave their home city of Miskolc in northern Hungary for ever, and to apply for asylum in Switzerland. Their homes in a former working class neighbourhood, in which the streets only have numbers, are soon to be demolished. […] Many families have received the termination of their lease, some houses have already been demolished. In addition, the Roma complain about discrimination and racism by authorities and the far-right Jobbik party. Job vacancies are barely available in the surroundings – and if so, Roma have no chance when applying. […] Piroska Fórizs must vacate her apartment in May. She has no idea how to proceed with her and their five children. Yes, she confirms the rumour in the village that her husband has committed suicide last week: “He was just depressed, did not know how to proceed.” The two oldest boys found their father hanged outside the house in the morning, she says.” Odehnal also spoke with the vice-mayor of Miskolc, Peter Pflieger, on the development aid of Switzerland in his city. The 1.2 million Swiss francs from the Swiss contribution have been used to clean two small rivers, to renew the riverside building and to save frogs. The fact that one could have easily built numerous apartments for the needy with this money is not mentioned. Since the economic and Euro crisis that has impoverished a growing strata of Hungarian, and the rise of the right-wing nationalist Fidesz, the Rroma are confronted with a revivified xenophobia. The 600,000 to one million Rroma in Hungary belong to all strata of society and professions. By the public presence of marginalized Rroma, the notion of the minority remains very one-sided and pejorative.
