Category Archives: News Middle East

Google Translate Romanes

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Nice to see that google translate allows for translations in Romanes. It definitively has a bias towards Vlach Romanes, which is not the most common Romanes, but this is a good start! The choices of words on World, to think, and a few others show this bias, but on the other hand, they still use the old Romanes for “life”, which is not Vlach.

Wonder how this was compiled…

Turkey: The Aftermath

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An organisation helping what they call Roma but further are referred to as Domari, the Middle Eastern cousins of the Roma in Southeastern Turkey in the aftermath of the recent earthquake.

Turkey and Roma

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The Turkish government is planning an action plan on Roma in the country. It is a bit of a joke to speak about housing after the ruling party and Mr. Erdogan expelled the Roma from Istanbul oldest Roma neighbourhood to make space for his supporters, ending a millennium of Roma presence there.

Cousins and Refugees

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The Domari from Syria, distant cousins of the Roma (they are the branch who never crossed into Europe in the original migration), are in a very difficult situation. A report worth reading.

– The Dom, the “Other” Asylum Seekers from Syria. [link-preview url=””]

Istanbul: Gentrification

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Roma are increasingly being driven out of the city they have lived in for more than a 1000 years. This time, it is the Tarlabaşı neighbourhood which is the target of the “renovation” – often given to good friends of the AK party…

– Gentrifizierung in Istanbul: Es war einmal ein Ort der Vielfalt. In: Alsharq Blog. 08.07.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Turkey – Rroma Festival

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This week end, the Kakava Festival is taking place in Edirne.

– Kakava: Roma festival draws thousands to Turkey’s Edirne. In: TRT World. 06.05.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Middle Eastern Cousins: The Nawar

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An article about the Rroma middle eastern distant cousins, the Nawari. Together with the Domari, they are the remnants of the same migration who brought Rroma to Europe, they staying in the Middle East.
And they are being discriminated against …

– Who are the Nawari, Gaza’s alienated ‘Gypsies’? In: Al Monitor. 02.02.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Dom – Publication

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A report on Dom refugees from Syria has been published.
A must read!

– Living at the Bottom. [link-preview url=””]

Domari and Exclusion

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The Domari (cousins of the Rroma) are apparently at the bottom of the social ladder in Israel. Bad!

– Jerusalem’s Gypsies: The Community With the Lowest Social Standing in Israel. In: Haaretz. 22.10.2016. [link-preview url=”″]

Domari Today

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Domari Today

Two articles on Domari, the Rroma’s Middle Eastern Cousins and their current plight in Syria and as refugees in other countries.

Another minority that is forgotten in this conflict.

Middle East Doms

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Middle East Doms

Middle Eastern Domari are demanding their rights. The Domari are Rroma’s cousins as they are those Rroma who did not cross the Bosphorus in the 10th century and remained in the Middle East. They live in Jordania, Israel, Lebanon, and Syria. In the latter country they are the victims of increasingly sectarian violence.

Turkey: Main opposition party fields a Rrom candidate

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Turkey: Main opposition party fields a Rrom candidate

Turkish opposition Republican’s People party fielded a Rrom candidate in one of the Western Turkish provinces in Izmir. The Rrom candidate in on fifth position in the party’s list for that circumscription. We wish him all the luck!