Category Archives: Albania

EU, Balkans, and Roma

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North Macedonian Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani, in his role as co-chair of the Berlin Process, delivered the opening speech of the ministerial meeting dedicated to Roma integration hosted in Tirana, Albania. He said that “Roma are an integral part of our societies. Without any excuses, we must take concrete political and legal measures to increase their involvement in all social events. Integration with the EU is a common path and the Roma cannot be left aside. As countries aspiring to EU membership, we must demonstrate an effective regional concept of Roma integration, with visible progress in the areas of education, employment, health and housing for Roma.”

Roma Tales and Legends

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Combating anti-Gypsyism and discrimination in its various forms and supporting access to quality inclusive education are two of the priority areas of the Council of Europe’s Strategic Action Plan for Roma and Traveller Inclusion (2020-2025).

Knowledge of the history and culture of the Roma and Travelers is still marginal or even non-existent among the general public and this misreading strongly contributes to the discrimination to which these populations are confronted.

There is an urgent need to highlight the contribution of Roma and Travelers to European societies through culture, arts and history. Educational policies on minorities are urgent.

Sead Kazanxhiu’s illustrated book, Roma Tales and Legends (published in trilingual: Albanian, English, Romani and separately in French) is an important contribution to the recognition and understanding of Roma culture, for Roma and non-Roma children and for the general population.


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A few articles in the Balkan press on the celebrations of Erdelezi or Đurđevdan – simply Saint Georges day in the orthodox calendar – which fell on May 6th, and is celebrated by all Roma in the Balkans.

Albania, Schools, and Roma

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Albania, Schools, and Roma

To fight against child labor, and particularly young Roma, Albanian teachers’ unions are mobilizing, trying to prevent school dropouts. But difficult to fill all the gaps of a drifting system.

French Chronicle …

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More news this week in France. To start, reportage on a camp in a hole in Marseille and the plight of its inhabitants. A similar article on the situation of Roma in Nantes. In Toulouse, a camp of Roma, with many Albanians, was closed. In Montpellier, three policemen are wounded as they tried to stop a car entering a Roma camp. Near Paris, a clean-up on the site of a former camp, and a camp closure in Vigneux sur Seine. Finally, an appeal by many organisations to find permanent solutions to the shantytowns in France.
Last but not least, the story of a mayor from the North of France who made racist comments against Roma and who is now using the taxes from his town to pay for his legal costs …

– A Marseille, la survie au fond du «trou». In: Libération. 13.03.2019.
– Le “trou” de Saint-Antoine où vivent des Roms. In: Marsactu. 14.03.2019.
– Aux Îles Noires à La Riche, le bidonville crie son désespoir. In: La Nouvelle République. 12.03.2019.
– Toulouse : évacuation d’un campement de Roms aux Arènes. In: FR3. 13.03.2019.
– Un camp de Roms et d’Albanais évacué à Toulouse. In: Toulouse Info. 13.03.2019.
– Violences à Montpellier : blessés, trois policiers utilisent leur flash-ball. In: Métropolitain. 15.03.2019.
– Saint-Thibault-des-Vignes ► Grand nettoyage : le « gros furoncle » des bords de Marne dégrossit. In: Mag Journal. 12.03.2019.
– Le campement Roms de Vigneux-sur-Seine finalement évacué vendredi matin. In: Évasion FM. 11.03.2019.
– Expulsions des bidonvilles, il est temps de décréter l’urgence sociale! In: Le Journal du Dimance. 16.03.2019.
– Un maire tient des propos polémiques sur les roms et paye ses frais de justice avec l’argent public. In: BFM. 13.03.2019. [link-preview url=” “]

Albania and Roma

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A World Bank report highlight the work needed in Albania for Roma integration.

– Albania Needs to Do More to Integrate Roma, says World Bank. In: Exit Albania. 13.03.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Kosovo Conflict

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Two Albanian Kosovo leaders are on their way to den Haag to be interrogated on potential war crimes against Serbs, Roma, and other minorities. Let’s see if this time something happens.

– Crimes de guerre au Kosovo: 2 chefs rebelles en route pour La Haye. In: RTL. 13.01.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Kosovo – Serbia

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A reportage on the impact of the discussions of an eventual swap of land between Kosovo and Serbia – for the Serbs, the Albanians, but also for the Roma.

– Entre Kosovo et Serbie, le spectre d’un échange de territoires. In: Le Temps. 04.01.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Albania: Won

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The Roma community of Fushë-Kruja in Albania has won a case against the government on discrimination based of it not providing clean water and sanitation.

– Roma Community Wins Discrimination Case against Albanian Gov’t. In: Exit. 14.12.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Balkan and Minorities

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According to Ambassador Bernd Borchardt, Head of OSCE Presence in Albania, society is judged by the way it treats its weakest members. And that is often, in the Balkan, the Roma minority.
There is some way to go – even to achieve the state that was under Ottoman rule.

– OP-ED/ Society is judged by the way it treats its weakest members. In: Independent Balkan News Agency. 29.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]

French Chronicle …

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Many news in France on Salvini’s suggestion to count Roma, and several articles on the Ukraine this week. First, several arrivals from Albania in Western France. The local prefect “suspects” the existence of a criminal ring helping them arrive there. Nearby, a mayor is insinuating that Roma are responsible for the increased criminality. Then, the more usual news with a fire in a camp in the North and, following a fire of criminal nature in a camp near Grenoble, associations have made a formal complaint. Finally, an expulsion near Paris.

– Saint-Lô. Huit familles albanaises arrivent en trois jours. In: Ouest France. 25.06.2018.
– Le préfet de la Manche soupçonne à Saint-Lô l’existence d’un réseau de passeurs pour les Albanais. In: FR3 France Info. 29.06.2018.
– Sécurité à Quimper. « Un discours inquiétant » pour des conseillers d’opposition. In: Ouest France. 29.06.2018.
– Nord: Un camp de Roms partiellement détruit par un incendie. In: 20 Minutes (FR). 29.06.2018.
– Camp brûlé dans le quartier Mistral à Grenoble : Roms Action porte plainte. In: Le Dauphiné.
– Thorigny-sur-Marne : les squatteurs de la rue du Maréchal-Joffre expulses. In: Le Parisien. 29.06.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

French Chronicle …

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Many news in France on Salvini’s suggestion to count Roma, and several articles on the Ukraine this week. First, several arrivals from Albania in Western France. The local prefect “suspects” the existence of a criminal ring helping them arrive there. Nearby, a mayor is insinuating that Roma are responsible for the increased criminality. Then, the more usual news with a fire in a camp in the North and, following a fire of criminal nature in a camp near Grenoble, associations have made a formal complaint. Finally, an expulsion near Paris.

– Saint-Lô. Huit familles albanaises arrivent en trois jours. In: Ouest France. 25.06.2018.
– Le préfet de la Manche soupçonne à Saint-Lô l’existence d’un réseau de passeurs pour les Albanais. In: FR3 France Info. 29.06.2018.
– Sécurité à Quimper. « Un discours inquiétant » pour des conseillers d’opposition. In: Ouest France. 29.06.2018.
– Nord: Un camp de Roms partiellement détruit par un incendie. In: 20 Minutes (FR). 29.06.2018.
– Camp brûlé dans le quartier Mistral à Grenoble : Roms Action porte plainte. In: Le Dauphiné.
– Thorigny-sur-Marne : les squatteurs de la rue du Maréchal-Joffre expulses. In: Le Parisien. 29.06.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Virtual Reality

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A short movie made in virtual reality gives a tour of the Mahala – Roma quarter – of a small town in Albania as seen by a Romni activist.

– UNDP launches first virtual reality film about and with the Roma community. In: UNDP. 30.05.2018. [link-preview url=””]

About a Romni

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The story of an Albanian Romni and on how a film about her came to be.

– Virtual reality brought me into the world of a strong Roma woman. In: Medium. 30.05.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Albania: Civil Society

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Roma leaders and representatives of the civil society have launched an initiative of re-forestation in the Elbasan region in central Albania.

– Roma community leaders and civil society organizations contribute to reforestation of Krastë e Madhe. In: Council of Europe. 13.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]


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The United Nation International Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia has closed. It did many things, but one thing it did not:
Not a single Albanian UCK representative has been judged for the forced expulsion of Roma from the Kosovo. This crime of ethnic cleansing has remained unpunished.

– Comment le TPIY a changé notre monde. In: Le Temps. 05.01.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Moslems and Europe

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A scholarly work on the Moslem presence in the Balkan in the last two hundred years. And it concerns Roma too, as the fourth largest Moslem minority in the Balkans, after the Albanians, the Bosniaks, and the Turks.

– Revisiting Europe’s Muslim Heartland. In: TOL. 19.12.2017. [link-preview url=””]

French Chronicle …

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The news in France were dominated by the evacuation of the camp on the petite ceinture railway in Paris. Other news included a fire in a camp in Ivry, near Paris, resulting in the evacuation of the entire camp; in that same city, other Roma were received by the authorities, as they are requesting access to housing (as mandated by French Law); a discussion on a project from Roma in the North was very much controversial; a cold snap in Western France; and finally an altercation between Roma and Albanians in Macon.

– Paris : les Roms de la Petite ceinture ont quitté le bidonville… mais pour combien de temps ? In: Le Parisien. 28.11.2017.
– A Paris, un campement de Roms évacué pour la 4e fois en trois ans. In: RFI. 28.11.2017.
– Paris: un campement de Roms démantelé. In: Actu Politique. 28.11.2017.
– Pierrefitte-sur-Seine : un campement rom évacué à cause d’un incendie. In: Yahoo. 02.12.2017.évacué-à-cause-d-123015231.html
– Ivry-sur-Seine : les Roms de l’ancien camp Truillot ont rendez-vous en prefecture. In: Le Parisien. 28.11.2017.
– Ivry : la préfecture reçoit les Roms. In: Le Parisien. 29.11.2017.
– La réunion publique de présentation du «sas roms» a été houleuse… In: La Voix du Nord. 29.11.2017.
– Avis de grand froid sur le campement rue du Maine. In: Ouest France. 28.11.2017.
– Deux suspects jugés ce vendredi après l’altercation au parking Monnier. In: Le Journal. 01.12.2017. [link-preview url=”évacué-à-cause-d-123015231.html “]

Kosovo: The Other Victims

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The other victims of the Kosovo war, the Serbs, the Rroma, Moslem Slavs, Turks, and even Albanians are increasingly asking for justice. Many of them were killed by the UCK, were ethnically cleansed from their ancestral homes.
Up till now, no one was condemned for those acts, even in the case of Haradinaj who was judged in the Hague’s tribunal. In that latter case, several witnesses were subjected to extreme pressure not to appear in court.
Let’s hope for justice!

– Les victimes de «second ordre» du Kosovo. In: La Tribune de Genève. 13.02.2017.
– Oubliées, les victims de la rébellion kosovare réclament justice. In: Media 24. 13.02.2017. [link-preview url=””]