Category Archives: Croatia

Croatia: Discrimination

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Recent research shows that Roma men and women are the most frequent victims of discrimination, but the number of cases reported to the Ombudsman, special ombudsmen, police and courts is still extremely low. In order to empower the victims of discrimination, Informative Legal Center (IPC) Roma mediators visited Roma settlements in Brod-Posavina and Osijek-Baranja counties for 10 months and spoke with victims of discrimination and connected them with IPC legal staff who provided them with free legal assistance. The victims of discrimination with whom the Roma mediators talked most often complained about discrimination at work and in employment. They say that employers can often conclude that they are members of the Roma national minority based on their name, surname or address, and do not even invite them to a job interview. If they come for an interview in person, they find that employers use various excuses to not hire them, such as the position being filled, even though the ad is still active.

Bjelovar, Croatia

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The Bjelovar-Bilogor County is unique in Croatia in terms of the diversity of its minority communities. As many as 21 of the 22 recognised minorities live harmoniously within its borders. Traditional dishes of national minorities were presented on the recently held Evening of National Minorities in Bjelovar’s Hall of European Champions, which was organized for the 15th time by the Czech Municipality of Bjelovar.

Romapresented themselves with their most famous dish, sarma – stuffed cabbage. The name comes from Armenia where it denotes meat wrapped in wine leaves.

Zagreb: KAL

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On this Sunday, starting at 9 pm – a great party has been prepared in the club of the Association for the Development of the Culture of Močvara with a concert by KAL, a musical ensemble formed in 1996 in Valjevo.

Croatia and Romanes

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As part of the program “Celebration of the World Day of the Roma Language at the Koprivnica Vocational School”, numerous activities were organized on Tuesday, including a 3D modeling and printing workshop, a workshop for learning the Roma language, a reading workshop about and in the Roma language, a digital exhibition of student works and plenary lectures.

Brno: At last

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Prosecutors finally indicted a Ukrainian national today for committing bodily harm and murder in the case of the young Roma man who died at the Brno Reservoir this summer. The June case led to tensions between Romani people and Ukrainians in the Czech Republic.

Croatia and Roma

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Prime Minister Andrej Plenković and Minister of Culture and Media Nina Obuljen Koržinek participated in the commemoration of the World Roma Language Day, which took place in Zagreb’s Museum of Contemporary Art. The Prime Minister assessed that the cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and representatives of the Roma community in Croatia in strengthening the position of Roma represents a roadmap for numerous other European countries. He pointed out that the Uštica Roma Memorial Centre is a confirmation that the cooperation has its concrete examples in practice.

Croatia and Racism

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Social Democrat MP Romana Nikolić gave a lecture at the Faculty of Philosophy in Osijek entitled “Antigypsyism” in which she pointed out the problem of discrimination and marginalization and the lack of integration faced by the Roma in Croatia. According to her, the poor social status of the Roma is clear based on statistics: monthly incomes place more than 92% of Roma households at risk of poverty, 85% of households use social services, and a third of Roma live in dilapidated and inadequate buildings. 70% of them also live in segregated settlements without social amenities.

Croatia, Roma, and a Project

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In Croatia, a pilot project entitled the Cultural-Educational Hostel, would target young people, upper elementary school students and high school students. They would stay in the hostel for ten days of their holidays, whether winter or summer, and would  get to know the cultural heritage of the autochthonous Lovara Roma.

Croatia and Segregation

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After a two-month summer break in the Croatian Parliament, the fall session began today with a “topical morning” during which MPs will ask questions to Prime Minister Andrej Plenković and members of the Government. The session began violently, with the distribution of warnings due to objections by deputies to the order in which questions were asked.

Veljko Kajtazi, deputy from the Roma minority, asked why there is segregation of Roma children in Croatia, who are separated into special classes, and the Minister of Education Radovan Fuhs says that there are “pure Roma classes”, mostly in Međimurje County.

Croatia, the Church, and Roma

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One year after the death of the founder of Roma pastoral care in the Republic of Croatia, Sister Karolina Miljak, ASC (1950 – 2022), a feuilleton in five parts aims to prove that there are already indelible traces that she and her colleagues left on the Church, institutions , the culture of dialogue, but most of all on the lives of members of the Roma community whom she not only helped, but sincerely looked forward to meeting them, raised awareness in society about the challenges they face and wholeheartedly believed in their social integration and progress.

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Croatia and Roma

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A project, initiated by the Roma Resource Center from Darda, Croatia under the leadership of its president, Jovica Radosavljević, allowd several Roma children to go to the sea. Jovica points out that the Roma  are often afraid of water, which was a challenge in convincing parents to allow their children to go to the sea. However, upon arriving at the shore, the children fell in love with the sea.

Nice touch, but a drop of water in the sea.

Croatia, Roma, and Education

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On August 29, 2023, the final conference of the Erasmus project “KULko” – “Development of cultural capital of Roma students” was held at Orehovica Elementary School in Orehovica, carried out in partnership by Orehovica Elementary School, Čakovec Public Open University, Lendava Human University and Elementary School Franceta Prešerna in Črenšovka. The project which was funded with 60,000 euros, lasted 18 months, involved 20 classroom teachers from Orehovica Elementary School (where 62 percent of the children are Roma) and the Slovenian Franceta Prešerna Elementary School, and the project produced various analyses and offered practical solutions for teachers, to help Roma children better integrate in school.

Croatia: Mixed Marriages

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A Croatian sociologist is married to a Rom from Kosovo. They have a daughter together. And they face lots of prejudice.

Croatia and the Holocaust

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Croatia and the Holocaust

An article on the Genocide of the Roma in Croatia, a Genocide that didn’t leave anyone alive. The historian Danijel Vojak explains.

In fact, if one wants to meet Croatian Roma, the only place is Milan, where a few of them fled in 1944. The Roma currently in Croatia come from other parts of former Yugoslavia.

Slavonski Brod, Croatia: Exhibition

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As part of the projects ‘Equality for Roma through suppression of discrimination’ and ‘School of Human Rights’, the Slavonski Brod Information and Legal Center organized the ‘Photovoice’ exhibition in the City Library.

It is an exhibition of photos of Roma mediators, volunteers and pupils of the Hugo Badalić Primary School in Brod with scenes from the everyday life of members of the Roma national minority in their settlement in Slavonski Brod.

Spin the Wheel

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Ri Rock Association in partnership with the Roma Youth Organization of Croatia organised the second cultural and artistic event dedicated to Roma culture and art. The event, called “Spin the Inclusive Wheel” aims to promote Roma culture and identity through music and art.

Radio Roža is an internet radio program that is conducted as part of the Gyroscope culture project.

Erdelezi in Croatia

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The Ri Rock Association started the celebration of its eighteen years of activity with Open House Days, which will culminate at the end of the year at the 45th Ri Rock Festival. The association, together with the Roma Youth Organization of Croatia they are organizing the second edition of the cultural and artistic manifestation dedicated to Roma culture and art: “Turning the Inclusive Wheel”. The goal of the event is to promote Roma culture and identity through music and art.

Croatia, Minorities and Bi-Lingual Rights

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Whether bilingual boards will be placed on public institutions in the Međimurje municipality of Orehovici, where around 33 percent of the population is made up of members of the Roma national minority, is a question that has yet to be answered. According to the law, this should be the case.

Committee for Monitoring the Implementation of the National Plan for the Inclusion of Roma recently discussed this topic, MP Veljko Kajtazi told Hina, noting that none of the representatives of Orehovice Municipality were present at the session of that committee, although they were invited.

“This is most likely a message that they don’t care. They scared Roma in for example by telling them that the guaranteed minimum compensation would be abolished if there were bilingual signs, that it would be worse than in Vukovar, and the locals told them all sorts of things,” said Kajtazi. He added that his point of view is that the law, especially the constitutional one (Constitutional Law on the Rights of National Minorities), must be implemented and that a dialogue should be established on how to implement the right to bilingualism.