Category Archives: Hungary

Jenő Setét

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Jenő Setét

The Hungarian Roma activist Jenő Setét died last week at the age of 50.

May he rest in peace.

Setét was one of the best-known figures in the protection of Roma interests in Hungary, he organized the Roma Pride Day and also led the Association.

Hungary, Votes, and Roma

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Hungary, Votes, and Roma

The commissioner for Roma relations of the Hungarian Interior Ministry has been recorded saying that he would fund programs if the organisations put forward candidates to the government’s liking

Dikh Radio

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Dikh Radio

A  Roma Radio called “Dikh” [there is also a Dikh TV, hence the name] opened in Hungary. The owner of Dikh TV is close to the Orban Regime.

Hungary, Fidesz, and Roma

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Hungary, Fidesz, and Roma

Attila Sztojka, Director General of the Directorate General for Social Opportunity (TEF) has been recorded coercing Roma politicians from the Hungarian Roma autonomy to support Fidesz, the party of the prime minister Orban and propose candidates which are “fitting”.

Bad, but it shows the corruption of the system.

Hungary, Roma, and Education

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Hungary is launching a new program of vocational training for Roma in agriculture. It is supposed to help Roma integration. Unfortunately, Hungary is also one of the leaders in terms of segregated schools at all educational levels, something that goes against integrations.

– Bentlakásos iskolákba terelnék a roma fiatalokat, hogy gazdálkodókat faragjanak belőlük. In: 14.03.2019.
– Agrár szakközépiskolai hálózattal vágnának bele a roma felzárkóztatásba. In: 14.03.2019. [link-preview url=” “]

Roma in Hungary

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No surprise there … There are better places to be a Rom.

– Decade after neo-Nazi killings, Hungary hostile for Roma. In: Deutsche Welle. 22.02.2019. [link-preview url=”″]

Hungary: New Party

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A new political party “Mi Hazank” – Our Country was founded recently in Hungary. It is the result of a split of the Jobbik nationalist party, and is even more rabid against Roma, speaking of “Gypsy criminality”.

– On reparle de « criminalité tsigane » en Hongrie. In: Le Courrier d’Europe Centrale. 15.02.2019. [link-preview url=””]

A School in Hungary

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A long article about a school project in North Eastern Hungary. Worthwhile project and read.

– Eine Schule für Europas Unberührbare. Die Zeit. 06.02.2019. [link-preview url=””]

The Women in Miskolc

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An article / radio on the Romnja in Miskolc, Eastern Hungary who won a case of discrimination against the Hungarian state for discrimination in the hospitals.

– E romnja njerisrade ando krisi ando Miskolc. In: Radio Romano. 29.01.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Hungary and the Overtime Law

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The new law allowing for more overtime and its deferred payment (up to three years alter) has led to multiple protests. Here, Roma activists from the Khetane Dance Group and from Dikh TV have protested against the law, saying that Roma have had to deal with overtime since a long time in the building industry where many of them work illegally.

– A cigányok harminc éve elszenvedői a túlóratörvénynek. In: 19.01.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Apply !!!

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– [link-preview url=””]

Hungary, Schools, and Issues

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The story of a small village in the North East of Hungary with a large Rroma minority, and the setup of a special school to help Roma have a better education. This additional school was set up by a Roma association, and has been facing issues (relocation etc.) in the village.

– Miért elégedetlenek Lucfalván a tanodával? In: Index. 03.01.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Budapest: Roma Theatre

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The tale of a group of young Roma actors who perform all over Hungary and now maybe beyond.

– Cigánynak akartam születni, mert cigánynak lenni jó. In: 444. 26.12.2018. [link-preview url=””]


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The recent manifestations against the latest laws passed by the Orban government (the so-called slave laws) saw a unique constellation: The flag of the extreme right party Jobbik next to the Roma flag.
It highlights the range of opposition to the laws.

– Egymás mellett lengett a romák és a Jobbik zászlója. In: 444. 17.12.2018. [link-preview url=””]

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A brawl between two families in a Roma ghetto involved more than sixty people and resulted in one death. Police intervened and one man was arrested.

  • Halálos tömegverekedéssé fajult két cigány család vitája. In: 888. 10.12.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Budapest Tours …

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Another article about the tours organised by Roma of the 8th district of the city.
Good project!

– Cigány önkéntesekkel sétáltunk a nyolcker legveszélyesebb negyedében. In: Zoom. 25.11.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Budapest: City Tours

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Roma volunteers are organising walking tours of the 8th district in Budapest, a district whose population is overwhelmingly Roma. The tours offer the opportunity to meet Roma and confront some of the stereotypes.

– Megsétáltatják a turistákat a cigánylányok a nyolckerben. In: Index. 24.11.2018. [link-preview url=””]