Category Archives: Montenegro

Montenegro and Roma

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The greatest responsibility for the fact that the Roma community still does not have its own representative in the parliament lies with the politicians, because their voting on any socio-political issue depends on their agreements and party interests, according to the Institution of the Protector of Human Rights and freedom of Montenegro.

Back in 2013, the Institution of the Protector expressed the position that the Roma community should be provided with a lower census in order to be adequately represented in the Parliament of Montenegro, but even today, 30 years after the introduction of multi-party system, the Roma are the only national minority that does not have its own representative in the parliament.

Well, one can and should argue that members of parliament should NOT be allocated along ethnic lines but rather that parties should get minorities involved.

Montenegro and Roma

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Elvis Beriša, the founder and executive director of the NGO “Phiren amenca” comments last week’s scandal when the Montenegrin cultural network promoted the project Montenegro without divisions – with a photo of young people in national costumes, where Roma were presented in utility company workers uniforms:

“I believe that we haven’t had a more obvious example of discrimination and anti-Gypsyism in Montenegro for a long time. The CKM campaign and the portrayal of the Roma community in it is the definition of antigypsyism. Presenting an entire national community as workers of a utility company surpasses all recorded cases of stereotypes and prejudices that we could see in the public space. It is simply incomprehensible that the organizers could not consult with the Roma community about the best way to present it in the campaign. If, as they say, they could not find the national costume of the Roma, they could present them in ordinary everyday clothes. Anything would be better except for what they ended up doing.

Montenegro and Roma

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Aleksandar Damjanovic, chairman of NGO Montenegrin Cultural Network, CKM, founded in 2009 to spread loyalty and respect for the country’s state symbols made a blunder: He wanted to include the Roma community in his “Montenegro without division” campaign, but he did not find an adequate costume. Yes really.
Roma responded saying if the smallest problem faced by Roma was traditional costumes, they’d be really happy there. In any case, the Council of Montenegro’s Roma signed a joint Memorandum on cooperation, as announced the president of the Roma Council, Mensur Šalaj.

Montenegro and Roma

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Montenegro and Roma

The Roma community congratulated the recently nominated prime minister Abazović and asked him to help Roma and also to employ Roma in his prime minster office.


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A few articles in the Balkan press on the celebrations of Erdelezi or Đurđevdan – simply Saint Georges day in the orthodox calendar – which fell on May 6th, and is celebrated by all Roma in the Balkans.

Montenegro and Elections

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The Democratic Party of Roma plans to go to the local elections in Podgorica, said the president of that party, Mensur Shalaj. He said that the Democratic Party of Roma, which was founded in December 2019, did not participate in the 2020 parliamentary elections, because he thought that the 0.7% threshold for entering the parliament was too high.

Minors Weddings

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An article about arranged marriages of minors among Roma in Montenegro. Again, the tradition of a group of Roma (Vlach) is generalised to all Roma – something that is not the case. Here, organisations actually say that this is human trafficking. It is bad for all.

– MONTÉNÉGRO : LES MARIAGES ARRANGÉS DES MINEUR.E.S ROMS, UNE TRADITION HORS-LA-LOI. In: Le Courrier des Balkans. 20.04.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Montenegro: Roma Union

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The Montenegrin Roma municipal employees have created a union to defend their rights. A report of the Roma situation and on the work of these workers.

– MONTÉNÉGRO : LES EMPLOYÉS ROMS DES SERVICES COMMUNAUX CRÉENT LEURS SYNDICATS. In: Le Courrier des Balkans. 14.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Voluntary Return

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The rate of voluntary returns in Germany has drastically decreased during the year. Germany is still deporting Roma refugees from Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro and even Kosovo back to their countries following the declaration of these as “safe countries”.
Safe maybe, but not necessarily for Roma.

– Die Zahl der freiwilligen Ausreisen geht stark zurück. In: MDR Aktuell. 22.12.2017. [link-preview url=””]

French Chronicle …

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Dire statistics on Roma in France: 4’382 Roma were expulsed in France in the first six months of the year from 50 camps or squats, 2’689 by the police, 867 after a fire, and 796 “voluntarily”… they haven’t been re-lodged, which is against the French law. This cat and mouse play has been lasting for serval years. In Marseilles, an article shows the impact of such constant expulsions on the families, while in Paris, the Roma in Montreuil are still on the street, a year after their expulsion. The fate of a family from Montenegro which will be expulsed gives a face to these policies.

– Des milliers de Roms toujours expulsés chaque année sans relogement. In: Boursorama. 10.08.2017.
– Marseille : la descente aux enfers, à force d’expulsions. In: La Marseillaise. 07.08.2017.
– Montreuil : une année d’errance pour les familles Roms de la Boissière. In: Le Parisien. 10.08.2017.
– Des familles monténégrines, bientôt expulsées, vont se retrouver à la rue. In: La Voix du Nord. 11.08.2017. [link-preview url=” “]


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An article about poverty among Roma in Montenegro. Numbers are of course subject to caution…

– MONTÉNÉGRO : LES ROMS NE SORTENT PAS DU CERCLE VICIEUX DE L’EXTRÊME PAUVRETÉ. In: Le Courrier des Balkans. 20.07.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Kosovo – Crimes

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Four people were found guilty of drowning 35 Roma refugees in 1999… A court in Montenegro condemned the people to prison terms – 7 years max.
This, 18 years after the facts

– 4 found guilty for drowning of 35 Kosovo Roma refugees. In: B92. 25.05.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

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A forum on the integration of Rroma just completed in Podgorica, Montenegro. It was organised by the Action Team “Roma Integration 2020”, a project aimed at furthering the integration of Rroma in Europe.
We hope that this will not be another paper tiger but a real one which will advance the cause.

– Podgorica: Završen ciklus foruma o pitanjima Roma. In: Blic. 01.12.2016.
– [link-preview url=””]

Germany: Petition

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A petition to prevent the deportation of a young Rromni born in Hamburg to Montenegro, a country she never saw.
Please sign!

– [link-preview url=””]

Kosovo: The Forgotten Rroma

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An article about the forgotten victims of the Kosovo War: the Rroma. This time about the Rroma refugees in Montenegro.
As a reminder, there are currently less than 10% of the Rroma in Kosovo than the country had before the war.

– Les Roms, oubliés de la guerre du Kosovo. In: Ouest France. 05.10.2016. [link-preview url=”″]

Ban on Balkan Refugees?

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Ban on Balkan Refugees?

Macedonia is saying the EU is planning a ban on Balkan refugees. This is already the case with the so-called “safe countries” but could be extended to Kosovo, Macedonia, and Montenegro. This would bar Rroma who are discriminated in those countries from seeking asylum and would also deprive the community of a mean to improve their fate in those countries. This only happens if refugees are on the EU’s door.

Kosovo and Montenegro want to be “safe countries”

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Kosovo and Montenegro want to be “safe countries”

Kosovo and Montenegro are asking Germany to recognise them as being “safe countries”. They want to show that no one in their countries is persecuted or discriminated against. In Kosovo especially, this can only be laughed at. 80% of the Rroma population was ethnically cleansed away from the region.

03.10.2014 Integration award for Rroma organizations in the Western Balkans and Turkey

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The European Commission has announced in a recent press release that it awards seven distinguished organisations that are particularly involved in the integration of the Rroma in their countries. The winning organizations include: Roma Active Albania (RAA), which advocates the Rroma civil rights and draws attention to current topics of Romnja; the organization Citizens Association for the Promotion of Education of Roma Otaharin that is committed in Bosnia-Herzegonvina to better educational opportunities of the minority; in Kosovo The Ideas Partnership, which advocates for the integration of former beggars and promotes the enrolment of children; in Macedonia the organization Centre for Integration Ambrela that is committed to the promotion of Rroma in early childhood; in Serbia Hands of Friendship, which operates a parent-child education project; in Turkey the children’s art project Sulukule Roma Culture Development and Solidarity Association; and finally in Montenegro a project against child and forced marriages in Rroma communities, through the Centre for Roma Initiatives. The European Commission justifies its decision as follows: “We all – the European Commission, the governments, civil society organisations – need to send out the same message: Roma integration is an important policy. And it is not only investment for the benefit of this minority but it is also an investment to the benefit of society. Living in an environment in which each member of society contributes with their spirit and work force, will allow countries to grow strong and prosperous, from an economic, social and cultural perspective”, said Štefan Füle, Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy, at the award ceremony.” Concerning the integration programmes of the warded organizations it must be remarked that begging Rroma or child marriages in no represent the norm among the minority.


– European Union (2014) Award for Roma Integration in the Western Balkans and Turkey. In: European Union online vom 1.10.2014.


Keywords: Rroma, Europe, European Union, integration projects, organization, awards, stereotypes  

30.05.2014 German court decision: Serbia not a safe country of origin for Roma

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The administrative court of Stuttgart, in what is perhaps a landmark ruling, recognized the refugee status of two Rroma from Serbia. Thus, it challenged the views of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, which at the end of last year came to the conclusion that no persecution of Rroma could be established in Serbia and deportation was therefore justified: “As reasoning, the judges said that the Roma were experiencing extreme disadvantages in their home country and were forced to live on the margins of society, as a spokeswoman for the court said on Monday. The main reason for the judgment was the restriction of the free movement of Roma in the southeast European country. For Roma, under certain circumstances, it is punishable under Serbian law to apply for asylum in another country. This equals a persecution, the court judged.” The verdict has the character of a precedent insofar, because the Rroma are not persecuted in Serbia, according to a federal decree that will be adopted shortly. Thus, the discussion about the discrimination against Rroma in former Yugoslavia and their status as refugees is once more opened. The decision also highlights that the assessment of discrimination against a minority is far from evident and easy. While some assessment are based on the legal foundations of a country, other evaluations are based on everyday practices, such as discrimination in the labour market and the education system, that are far more difficult to prove than law-related disadvantages (see Focus online 2014/I, SWR 2014).

The federal government wants to take a completely different direction. According to the daily newspaper Neues Deutschland (2014) the government wants declare Serbia, Macedonia and Bosnia-Herzegovina as safe countries of origin. German interior minister Thomas de Maizière stated that Cabinet would discuss the bill on April the 30th. De Maizière had previously proposed, to also take Albania and Montenegro onto the list of safe countries of origin, but this proposal failed because of the criticism of the SPD: “SPD and the Union had approved in the coalition agreement, to take the three states of Serbia, Macedonia and Bosnia-Herzegovina onto the list. Asylum applications from people from these Balkan countries can then be processed faster – and are usually rejected. […] De Maizière said that Serbia had candidate status as a member state of the European Union. Albania and Bosnia-Herzegovina went for it. “From these states one must expect that they deal well with their own citizens”, de Maizière said.” This contrasts with a perspective that emphasizes the individual destinies of those affected. For the German Institute for Human Rights, the concept of safe countries of origin is problematic in itself, because it greatly complicates the presentation and verification of individual persecutions (compare Focus online 2014/II).

11.04.2014 Robert Kushen: the integration of Rroma remains a challenge

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On the occasion of the international Rroma Day, the chairman of the European Rroma Rights Centre, Robert Kushen, reflects on the situation of the Rroma in Europe and the continuing challenges for this minority (Kushen 2014). He arrives at a sober view: the decade of Rroma inclusion, which was adopted in Sofia in 2005, and encompassed the countries of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Spain, unfortunately cannot fulfil the expectations that it raised. Rroma are still affected by widespread poverty, discrimination, unemployment and insufficient access to public institutions such as schools and hospitals: “Despite this political recognition of an unconscionable social crisis, Roma remain among the poorest, unhealthiest, least educated and most marginalised European citizens. The data are devastating: Across Central and Southeast Europe, 90 percent of Roma live in poverty. Fewer than one third of adults have paid employment. Only 15 percent of young Roma have completed secondary or vocational school. Nearly 45 percent of Roma live in housing that lacks basic amenities. Life expectancy in Roma communities is 10-15 years less than in non-Roma communities, with many Roma lacking access to insurance and health care.” Kushen refers in his judgement to information from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP 2013). Reasoning with such figures is not without dangers, since the representation of the Rroma as uneducated, poor, and unhealthy is often interpreted by the polemical, public discourse as a cultural peculiarity of the minority, although these characteristics are inevitably a poverty phenomenon. Although is not to deny that numerous Rroma are poor and uneducated, the relevant question is whether such an argument can contribute to the  integration of the Rroma. In addition, surveys often only take into account the visible Rroma, because the integrated ones are hard to identify as Roma and difficult to contact. Not only images of misery are needed, which generate compassion, but also images of success that allow a positive identification.

Kushen continues with information about the marginalization of the Rroma in Italy, France, Sweden and Hungary, and then gets on to the latest report from the European Union on the situation of the Rroma. The report published on April the second this year, can not present success stories either: “In early April, the European Commission convened a “Roma Summit” and issued a report assessing how member states are doing in addressing the interconnected problems of poverty and discrimination which the Roma are facing. The report noted “the persistence of segregation” in education, a large and in some cases widening employment gap between Roma and non-Roma, big differences between Roma and non-Roma in health insurance coverage, and an “absence of progress” in addressing the need for housing. Finally, the report noted that discrimination remains “widespread” (compare European Commission 2014).