Category Archives: France

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

Quite a few articles this week in the French press about Roma. Mostly about a Roma camp near Nantes in Western France. Roma in this camp, in Carquefou have been summoned to leave. The issue, they cannot leave with their 131 caravans, as the access road is blocked. No comment.

In Nantes, in another camp, a fire started and in the same city, an organisation is worried about the living conditions in Roma camps. Still in Western France, an exhibition aims at building bridges between Roma and the local population. In Annecy, in the Alps, a camp reopened. In South of France, a German tourist geolocalised his stolen iPad in a Roma camp.

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

In Paris on March 26th, Alina Şerban will present her new theatre piece titled “the big shame”. Near Nantes in Western France, Roma who live on a site called “la Montagne” talk to the press. On the same site, an initiative invited the Roma and neighbours for two events.

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

Almost no news in France this week about Roma. A conference to be held on March 11th about “Roms et Gens du Voyage” (the usual French mess in terms of names), in Western France, and the tons of garbage that are left after the closure of a Roma camp near Paris.

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

This week, an article looks at the difficult living conditions in a Roma camp in Western France; one article tells about neighbours of a Roma camp in Southern France complaining about dirt and garbage; and finally, two articles about an altercation between Roma that left 2 people with knife wounds.

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

Very little this week in France about Roma. Between French politics and Trump, papers did not need to fill pages with Roma …

In Nantes, in Western France, the municipality is working closely with all actors to close a camp. Near Paris, after a camp was closed, there are tons of garbage that need to be cleaned out.

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

The mayor and several residents of Villeron, near Paris, will be judged in June for their attack and destruction of a Roma camp in their commune. The League for Human Rights (LHR) wrote an open letter to a mayor near Paris who has expulsed Roma from his commune in spite of the “obstruction” of the LHR.  Near Paris, a camp has been closed, and finally, near Nantes in Western France, the authorities and NGO are looking on how to closed another.

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

Quite a few articles this week in France about Roma. First, the mayor and five inhabitants from Volleron, near Paris, had to appear in front of a judge, being accused of destruction of property and racist violence. They had violently dispersed a Roma camp two years ago. We have omitted another article on the subject, as this was clearly biased.

Several articles about the evacuation of a Roma camp in Verneuil, and of another one in Persan, both near Paris. An upcoming debate on the movie “A bras Ouverts”, a movie that panders to racist stereotypes about Roma. Finally, in Nantes in Western France, the arrestation of 6 Roma teenagers who apparently are behind the burglaries of  around 15 pharmacies in the region.

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

Not much on Roma nowadays in the French press. One teacher who helps young Roma in their education in Nantes, and a fire in a camp in the Southeast of France.

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

Very little this week. Only three articles, all on the same topic, terh genocide of the Roma during the Holocaust. At least they speak about it. This is new.

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

Not much this week. A really bad news about a 23-year-old Rom who was arrested for reaping his 13 years old cousin that had been promised to him in marriage. The girl, from Romania, managed to escape and is now under protection. This is really bad as it enforces the stereotypes. Other than that, the extreme rightist Alain Soral who is being investigated for antisemitism is now also under investigations for rabid statements about Roma.

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

Almost no news in the French press about Roma this week. A French researcher, Lise Foisneau, who has been sharing the daily life with travellers in France for the last ten years, has created an online resource that lists all the known victims of the community during World War Two. Unfortunately, as most French, they still do not understand the differences between groups and the fact that these are mostly Roma.

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

Very little news this week in the French media about Roma. Not surprising when there are many important news to report on …

The closure and dismantling of the largest Roma settlement in France near Nantes is hitting a hurdle after the association who said they would lead the project withdrew their offer. In Central France, a discussion on travellers took place; and finally, two articles actually not related to France. one about an adopted Romni from Romania in Canada and one about the instrumentalization of Roma against Ukrainian  refuges in Swtrizerland.

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

A flurry of events about Roma in France. In Galliac, near Paris in Ivry, the closing of the ‘Month for the Roma’ with several events. Then, the more usual, a fire in a Roma camp near Nantes, and the case of Roma pimps in Toulouse.

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

In Nantes, in Western France, the city is closing one of the largest Roma slums where more than 1’000 people live and is trying to re-lodge them. Near Paris, volunteers are catching stray cats on the site of a former Roma camp. The festival “A month for Roma” is closing with conferences and various activities. Unfortunately, they always speak of Travellers…

Finally, several articles on a reportage on the M6 channel filmed in a Roma camp. This reportage also showed that many of the residents of this camp work as day-labourers for farmers …

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

A TV reportage in one of the largest Roma camps in France near Nantes in Western France. What is good, is that they say that these Roma only make about 20’000 people in the entire France, and that they are an essential pool of workers for the French agriculture… This is a real change of tone.

Other news are more of the usual: The government policies on Roma are being criticised (the news is that there seems to be one); the month for Roma action with a few events; a camp near Paris near a waste treatment centre; a project of a new site for Roma abandoned in Western France; and near Marseilles, some politics regarding drugs and Roma camps.

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

A few articles on the action “a month for Roma”, with exhibitions and documentaries. Unfortunately always with the idea that Roma are “Travellers”… In Perpignan, in the South of France, there was a conference of Manouches, Gitans and Roma. Finally, items stolen from building sites were recovered ina Roma camp near Angers in the centre of France.