Category Archives: Netherlands


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Eighty years ago, in May 1944, 578 Roma and Sinti were rounded up in a major raid and transported to Camp Westerbork. Of these, 245 were deported by train to the Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp in Poland. Only 31 returned alive.

A commemoration was held on Sunday on the site.


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The camp of Westerbork in the Netherlands, a camp from which many Jews and Roma were transferred to death camps, wants to put more emphasis on the victims of the Holocaust. The military tattoo will no longer be blown at the 4 May commemoration in Camp Westerbork this year, instead the bell of camp will be rung before the two minutes of silence.

Netherlands – Accusations

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Following the decision in the Netherlands Railway to compensate people who were deported by train to concentration camps or their relatives, a feud between Roma organisations has erupted. Accusations are being made, all in the open.
This is bad.

– Nederlandse vereniging Roma en Sinti reageert op beschuldigingen Steinse club. In: Limburger. 30.12.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Zoni Weisz

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The life story of Zoni Weisz, a Dutch Sinto who was deported at the age of 7.

– „Ich bin ein Blumenkind“. In: Deutschlandfunk. 01.01.2019. [link-preview url=”″]

Netherlands: Complaint

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Roma and travellers associations have filed a complaint against the police in the Netherlands for discrimination. They accuse the police of portraying them and handling them as a criminal organisation.

– Travellers file police complaint against mayors for discrimination. In: Dutch News. 10.12.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Dutch Rail to pay

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The Dutch Railway is to pay compensation to Holocaust survivors and their relatives for having transported people to the Westerbrock Transit camp. Under the victims where several Roma and Sinti families.

– Holocaust: Dutch rail firm NS to pay families compensation. In: BBC News. 28.11.2018.
– Dutch to pay holocaust compensation. In: The Nation. 29.11.2018. [link-preview url=” “]


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An exhibition on the lives, traditions and history of the Roma in the Netherlands opened in the Eindhoven Catharinakerk.

– Expositie toont tradities en soms tragische historie Sinti en Roma. In: Studio 40. 06.09.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Holland and Holocaust

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The Dutch are speaking about Roma victims of the Holocaust. This time from Den Bosch, where 51 Roma were transferred in May 1944 to a camp where all but 13 died.

– Over Sinti en Roma in oorlogstijd Den Bosch is bitter weinig bekend. In: BD. 02.05.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Dutch Red Cross: Sorry …

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The Dutch Red Cross admitted mistakes during World War Two, essentially for not having helped Jews, Sinti and Roma and for not having denounced the crimes against them.
Good, but it took them 72 years …

– Fehler in der Nazi-Zeit eingeräumt. In: TAZ. 03.11.2017.!5460053/ [link-preview url=”!5460053/”]

Holland: Holocaust Museum

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The Ditch government sets over 8 Mio EUR for a Dutch Holocaust Museum and Memorial commemorating the ca. 102’000 Jews, Rroma and Sinti who were murdered in that country during World War Two.

– Dutch government allocates over $8.5 million to establishing Holocaust museum. In: JTA. 01.02.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Netherland: Exhibition

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The Hague: The foundation O Lungo Drom (The Long Road) is organising and exhibition from the 3rd to the 25th of February at the Art Library in the library in Rijswijk. “Sinti and Roma over the centuries in the Netherlands”.

– Sinti en Roma in Nederland. In: Grootrijswijk. [link-preview url=”″]

Holocaust Memorial in Amsterdanm

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Liebeskind’s plans for a Holocaust Memorial in Amsterdam were unveiled. The memorial is dedicated to the 103’000 Jews and Rroma from Holland who were sent to the concentration camps.

– Holocaust Memorial Is Closer to Reality in Amsterdam. 16.12.2016. [link-preview url=”″]

Criminal Networks: Netherlands

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Criminal Networks: Netherlands

Police in the Netherland has apparently uncovered 4 networks trafficking Rroma children for theft and begging. Apparently, the children are meant to steel 1’000 EUR per day. Some of these children had been placed under supervision in Holland and were found in Spain. The story seems true, unfortunately. To be followed.

25.01.2015 The Dutch King will read the names of all Dutch Holocaust Victims

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Wilheml Alexander, King of the Netherlands, will read the names of victims of the Holocaust as part of a remembrace that will read out the name of 102’000 Jews, Rroma, and Sinti that were deported to concentration camps during the war. He will be part of 700 people reading these names on the 27th of January.

Niederländischer König verliest Namen von Holocaust-Opfern. Handelsblatt, 23.01.2015.

03.10.2014 RACE in Europe Project: report on organised crime reproduces misinformation

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The research group “RACE in Europe Project”, a collaboration of several organisations which are involved in the fight against organised crime and trafficking, has presented a report on human trafficking in Europe for the purpose of criminal activities. The authors come to the conclusion that there is a serious lack of reliable information on the phenomenon. In spite of this acknowledged lack of reliable data, they arrive at very clear results: in many of the examined cases, the victims of trafficking for the purpose of criminal activities were identified by authorities as being perpetrators rather than as victims. Roma children are particularly often cited in this context. It is claimed that in the UK, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, but also in other European countries, Roma children are particularly affected by criminal networks: “The majority of persons trafficked to the UK for petty crimes, such as pick-pocketing and the sale of counterfeit goods, as well as for forced begging are from Central and Eastern Europe. Most are of Roma origin, and a high proportion are children. A host of socio-economic factors, such as high levels of poverty and discrimination in their countries of origin make Roma groups particularly vulnerable to trafficking. […] The RACE Project research identified that those who are most commonly trafficked for forced criminality and begging come from South-East Europe (many of them of Roma origin) and from South-East Asia (Vietnam and China)” (RACE in Europe Project 2014: 5, 11). As a reason for the high rate of Rroma among victims of human trafficking, the authors of the study name the increased vulnerability of the minority, which results from their discrimination and the consequential poor access to education, the labour market and public institutions. In addition, it is stated that extortionate loan sharks particularly affect members of the minority: “Debt bondage is cited as a major driver of trafficking. While some Roma communities will rely on neighbours (both Roma and non-Roma) for support, ‘their survival strategies are often for them to resort to informal money lenders (known as ‘kamatari’, essentially loan sharks), who charge exorbitant interest rates and use repressive measures to ensure payment’. These measures can include forcing them to undertake criminal acts such as begging or pick-pocketing, or to traffic their own children for the same purpose, in order to clear debts they may have accumulated” (RACE in Europe Project 2014: 13).

The characteristics of trans-nationally operating trafficker networks, as presented here, are questioned by research in social sciences. While their existence is not denied, their manifestation, number, omnipotence, and the motivations attributed to them have to be questioned. Ideological fallacies connected or even equated with ethnic groups such as the Rroma are often the source of those myths. Furthermore, connecting child trafficking to Rroma has to be critically examined. The stereotype of Rroma as child traffickers dates back to their arrival in Western Europe, and is in part based on the racist notion that Rroma actively recruit young people for their criminal gangs. Regarding the de facto trafficking of children, social science studies convey a more complex notion of this subject and point out that crimes such as incitement to beg and steal or alleged child trafficking are often permeated by various morals in the analysis and assessment by authorities, who don’t appropriately consider the perspectives and motivations of those affected, and instead force on them their own ideas of organised begging, criminal networks, or of child trafficking. Structural differences of the involved societies and the resulting reasons for a migration are given too little consideration. In reality, behind begging children there are simply often only impoverished families, in which the children contribute to the family income and who therefore do not correspond to bourgeois notions of a normal family and childhood. Furthermore, the incomes from begging are very modest, which makes it unattractive for actual organised crime (see Cree/Clapton/Smith 2012, O’Connell Davidson 2011, Oude Breuil 2008, Tabin et al 2012).

  • RACE in Europe Project (2014) Trafficking for Forced Criminal Activities and Begging in Europe. Exploratory Study and Good Practice Examples. Anti-Slavery online vom 30.9.2014.
  • Cree, Viviene E./Clapton, Gary/Smith, Mark (2012) The Presentation of Child Trafficking in the UK: An Old and New Moral Panic? In: Br J Soc Work 44(2): 418-433.
  • O’Connell Davidson, Julia (2011) Moving children? Child trafficking, child migration, and child rights. In: Critical Social Policy 31(3):454-477.
  • Oude Breuil, Brenda Carina (2008) Precious children in a heartless world? The complexities of child trafficking in Marseille. In: Child Soc 22(3):223-234.
  • Tabin, Jean Pierre et al. (2012) Rapport sur la mendicité « rrom » avec ou sans enfant(s). Université de Lausanne.