Category Archives: Spain

Roma, Work, and Slovenia

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Although the high rate of Roma unemployment in Central and South-Eastern Europe is often attributed to a low level of education and professional skills, one of the more important reasons is discrimination that prevents Roma from entering the labour market on an equal footing.
Integration into the labour market should be a priority in promoting a full social inclusion. Some steps towards this goal were made by the recently completed two-year international Working Roma project, which included the Novo Mesto Society for the Development of Volunteer Work.
As project coordinator Tina Cigler says, in the Working Roma project, partners from nine European countries have tried to develop new tools to prevent intolerance against Roma in the labour market, thereby increasing their employment prospects. The tools and recommendations were developed on the basis of study visits by partner countries, consultations within different groups and good practices that we detected in our partner countries: Italy, Portugal, Spain, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia, Greece, Malta and the United Kingdom.
Let’s see.

– Se zaposlovanju Romov obetajo boljši časi? In: Dolenski List. 28.02.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Spain and Racism

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The European Council Anti-Racism Commission (ECRI) has been asking Spain to tackle racism and discrimination against Roma and migrants. IT wants the country to further integration and education.

– Spain urged to create equality watchdog to tackle racism against Roma and refugees. In: The Local. 27.02.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Spanish Documentary

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A documentary shown on Spanish TV. Well, a few stereotypes too …

– [link-preview url=””]

Roma and Comic Books

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An interview of Vincente Rodriguez, Spanish Rom and founder of RomaPop about the representation of Roma in comic books in general.

– From DR. DOOM To NIGHTWING and SCARLET WITCH: Re-Assessing Romani Representation In Comic Books. In: Newsa Rama. 28.12.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Romnja and Feminism

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An article about two Roma activists and feminists in Spain and their struggle against traditions but also against the paternalism they face on the “regular” feminist side. They say that Gadže (Payo in Calo), treat them like “talking moneys”…

– Gitanas feministas: “Las payas nos tratan como si fuéramos monos que hablan”. In: El Confidencial. 16.11.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Switzerland and Roma Travellers

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Two articles about Roma travellers camping on a private (and rented) plot of land in the canton Bern.
The first one, from the Berner Zeitung states that there were no issues with Roma – at least until the arrival of a group of Roma from Spain who did leave a mess. The second one, from the Blick (a Swiss tabloid) states that all Roma are dirtying the neighbourhood, are defecating everywhere etc… Same story, two views. And clearly the Blich guys were not on the spot.
In addition, the papers (and the title of the Berner Zeitung) suggest that there are many more Roma travellers in Switzerland. This is false.
– Immer mehr Fahrende. In: Berner Zeitung. 07.07.2017.
– Fäkalien und Abfall im Gemüsefeld. In: Blick. 07.07.2017. [link-preview url=””]

A Beatification …

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A young Rromni who died in prison after childbirth during the Spanish civil war has just been beatified by the Catholic Church. She is the first Rromni to be beatified …
This says a lot about the Catholic Church’s attitude towards Rroma.

– Gypsy woman left to die after childbirth among 115 Spanish martyrs. In: Catholic Register. 17.03.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Spain: Rroma and Theatre

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In one of the poorest barrios in Spain, in El Vacie, a theatre company has enrolled Rroma women to play in classical plays, with great success.

– The Roma Women Taking Center Stage in Spain’s Theater Scene. In: Broadly. 02.02.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Mallorca: Political Correctness and Reality

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An article about the Rroma neighbourhood of Son Banya in Palma de Mallorca. Never mind that there were never Sinti in Mallorca (except as tourists), the whole article is full of stereotypes. Drugs, poverty, and of course, the good helpers …

– Patronat für Elendssiedlung Son Banya verschwindet. In: Mallorca Magazin. 26.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Flamenco and India

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Now that’s some news … No Comments!

– Spains Flamenco has its roots in India. In: India Today. 13.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Criminal Networks: Netherlands

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Criminal Networks: Netherlands

Police in the Netherland has apparently uncovered 4 networks trafficking Rroma children for theft and begging. Apparently, the children are meant to steel 1’000 EUR per day. Some of these children had been placed under supervision in Holland and were found in Spain. The story seems true, unfortunately. To be followed.

Garbage …

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Garbage …

A story of Rroma “selling” their daughter to another family in Spain. In fact, a tradition of arranged marriages found among Vlax (originally Romanian Rroma) dating back to slavery. You had to pay the owner of the girl to have her go with the husbands family.

BAD … Usual stereotypes without any thoughts.

Racial Riots in Southern Spain

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Racial Riots in Southern Spain

Following the stabbing of an African migrant after a dispute with a Rrom, a riot started and there were fights in the street between Rroma and Africans in the town of Roquetas del Mar.


But … The paper reporting this is notoriously biased against minorities and refugees. So caution on this!

Girl wants to be a Doctor

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Girl wants to be a Doctor

A new campaign by Spain’s Roma Foudnation highlights a girls who wants to be a doctor. Unfortunately, the article highlights stereotypes stating that “6 out of 10” Rroma children do not complete their mandatory education … Well, would be good if they knew how many Rroma they are. 6 out of how many ???

Travellers, Gitans, Roma, or the confusion of journalists

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Travellers, Gitans, Roma, or the confusion of journalists

An article about a few Rroma who stopped in a field near Payerne and had to leave as the field’s owner did not want them to stay highlights the misinformation and confusion among journalists:

The title uses “Gitans” – who are not travellers, by the way, and are found only in the South of France and Spain (also called Cale); the text uses “Gens du Voyage, i.e. Travellers, which can be Rroma but could also mean Jenische (Swiss travellers) or French Travellers; and finally the police states that these are most probably “Roma” from neighbouring France. We are just missing Sinti in this article to complete the confusion!

How Dumb …

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How Dumb …

A report on a drug raid in Mallorca. Can we ask the dear journalist why the use of “Roma and Sinti” … Besides the fact that this is like saying Londoner and Brits, the majority of Rroma in Spain are Gitanos who call themselves either that or Cale. So if politically correct, please inform yourself.