A candidate from the Lega in Florence, Alessio di Giulio, produced a video showing a Romni and saying, “vote for me to never see her again”.
There have been numerous reactions, but let’s not forget that a large part of the population unfortunately probably agrees with him. That is scary. In any case, it shows the inherent racism of the Italian far-right.
- ‘Vote for us to never see her again’: fury after Italy politician’s video with Roma woman. In: The Guardian. 06.09.2022. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/sep/06/italian-far-right-politician-sparks-row-over-roma-comments
- Politician’s Racist Selfie Video With Roma Woman Enflames Italian Social Media. In: Gizmodo. 06.09.2022. https://gizmodo.com/alessio-di-giulio-roma-selfie-florence-never-see-again-1849501252
- Il video del consigliere leghista con una donna rom: “Votaci e non la vedrai mai più”. 05.09.2022. https://www.today.it/politica/elezioni/politiche-2022/alessio-di-giulio-video-consigliere-donna-rom.html
- Chi è Alessio Di Giulio, il consigliere di Firenze del video virale: “Vota Lega per non vederla mai più”. In: Il Riformista. 05.09.2022. https://www.ilriformista.it/chi-e-alessio-di-giulio-il-consigliere-di-firenze-del-video-virale-vota-lega-per-non-vederla-mai-piu-317253/