A class for Roma children recently opened in Ostrava. Its goal is to make it easier for them to start kindergarten. According to the Ostrava organization Vzájemne sožižití, up to a quarter of Roma children do not go to kindergartens. Therefore, in one of the local community centres, they started operating a product called Brouček, which children can go to before starting kindergarten.
- V Ostravě se otevřela třída pro romské děti. Usnadní jim to nástup do školky. In: TN. 17.04.2024. https://tn.nova.cz/zpravodajstvi/clanek/551448-v-ostrave-se-otevrela-trida-pro-romske-deti-usnadni-jim-to-nastup-do-skolky?campaignsrc=tn_clipboard