Vlado Rafael, the Head of eduRoma MGO says Roma children can also study to become psychologists in Britain. Here they end up in special schools.
The article addresses the largest misinformation about Roma and education currently circulating in Slovakia: What is the status of the lawsuit filed against Slovakia by the European Commission for the segregation of Roma children in education, what impact does their placement in special schools for students with mild mental disabilities, where up to 70-80 percent of them end up, have on the future of Roma, why, according to non-governmental organizations, the amendment to the Education Act will further exacerbate the problem, and how Roma students are treated differently in Great Britain, where many of them successfully graduate from universities.
- Šéf eduRoma: Rómske deti vedia v Británii vyštudovať aj na psychológov. U nás končia v špeciálnych školác. In: EurActic. 20.11.2024. https://euractiv.sk/section/spolocnost/podcast/sef-eduroma-romske-deti-vedia-v-britanii-vystudovat-aj-na-psychologov-u-nas-koncia-v-specialnych-skolach/