A street fight in Essen between two Rroma groups – probably from Romania, degenerated into a real street battle involving up to over 1’000 people according to police source. Thses fights continued later on.
This has given opportunity to several papers to equate all Rroma with criminal and to “throw in” an ounce of “criminal Arabs” into the fray to give a view that all migrants are surely criminals and that one needs to get rid to them.
Let’s call this by it’s name: This is POPULISM and RACISM.
- Massenschlägereien um Macht und Ehre. In: RP Online. 11.07.2015. http://www.rp-online.de/nrw/panorama/massenschlaegereien-um-macht-und-ehre-aid-1.5303088
- Erneut Massenschlägerei in Essen. In: WAZ. 17.08.2015. http://www.derwesten.de/region/rhein_ruhr/erneut-massenschlaegerei-in-essen-aimp-id10976262.html