Tag Archives: Beggars

Begging Ban

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A top Swedish court has given the green light to a controversial begging ban in the town of Vellinge. The original ban had been lifted by court order, but the highest administrative court has re-instated it.
Begging bans are known to be ineffective in most places they were introduced.

– Mixed Reactions as Swedish Court Green-Lights ‘Anti-Gypsy’ Begging Ban. In: Sputnik News. 19.12.2018. https://sputniknews.com/europe/201812191070825722-sweden-begging-ban/ [link-preview url=”https://sputniknews.com/europe/201812191070825722-sweden-begging-ban/”]

Beggars in Lausanne

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The Roma beggars from Lausanne are back. And are now looking for jobs (as begging is forbidden).

– Des mendicants reviennent à Lausanne pour y travailler. In: Le Matin. 09.12.2018. https://www.24heures.ch/lematindimanche/Des-mendiants-reviennent-a-Lausanne-pour-y-travailler/story/18627828 [link-preview url=”https://www.24heures.ch/lematindimanche/Des-mendiants-reviennent-a-Lausanne-pour-y-travailler/story/18627828″]

Begging in Lausanne

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Two more articles on beggars in Lausanne. In one, the journalist explains why she prefers not to have beggars, and in the other, they wonder whre they all went.
I any case, such begging interdictions are a bad idea.
– La mendicité ou l’épine dans le pied. In: Le Temps. 06.11.2018. https://www.letemps.ch/opinions/mendicite-lepine-pied
– Mais ou sont passes le mendicants. In: 24 Heures. https://www.24heures.ch/vaud-regions/Mais-ou-sont-passes-les-mendiants-Roms/story/23456490 [link-preview url=”https://www.letemps.ch/opinions/mendicite-lepine-pied “]

Begging in Lausanne

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Following the definitive interdiction of begging in the Swiss city of Lausanne, a plethora of articles on the subject: Roma now asking for work rather than for money, how to enforce the interdiction, etc…
The experience of Geneva shows those interdictions are totally useless.

– Après les pieces, les roms mendient du travail. In: 24 heures. 04.11.2018. https://www.24heures.ch/vaud-regions/pieces-roms-mendient-travail/story/25645234
– MENDICITÉ: LES ROMS MÈNENT UNE ACTION DE SENSIBILISATION. In: Le Matin. 01.11.2018. https://www.lematin.ch/news/Mendicite-les-Roms-menent-une-action-de-sensibilisation/story/31011864
– Traquer les mendiants: une mission comme une autre. In: 20 Minutes 9CH). 01.11.2018. https://www.20min.ch/ro/news/vaud/story/Premier-jour-d-interdiction-de-mendier-dans-le-canton-17043514
– “Il ne suffit pas d’interdire la mendicité pour que le phénomène disparaisse”. In: RTS Info. 01.11.2018. https://www.rts.ch/info/suisse/9961937–il-ne-suffit-pas-d-interdire-la-mendicite-pour-que-le-phenomene-disparaisse-.html
– MENDICITÉ SORIN, LE DERNIER MENDIANT DE LAUSANNE VOUS SALUE… In: Le Matin. 31.10.2018. https://www.lematin.ch/suisse/Sorin-le-dernier-mendiant-de-Lausanne-vous-salue/story/19432540 [link-preview url=”https://www.24heures.ch/vaud-regions/pieces-roms-mendient-travail/story/25645234 “]

Forbidding Begging

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Geneva forbade begging 10 years ago. The result is bad: None of the fines cashed in, much more expenses, and there are still beggars.
It shows that the money would be better used in helping those people.

– Milliers d’amendes et taux d’encaissement de 0%. In: 20 Minutes (CH). 27.10.2018. https://www.20min.ch/ro/news/geneve/story/Des-milliers-d-amendes-par-an-pour-mendicite-12461136
– En diz ans, la loi antimendicité n’a rien rapport à Genève. In; 24 Heures. https://www.24heures.ch/suisse/suisse-romande/En-dix-ans-la-loi-antimendicite-n-a-rien-rapporte-a-Geneve/story/23953453 [link-preview url=”https://www.20min.ch/ro/news/geneve/story/Des-milliers-d-amendes-par-an-pour-mendicite-12461136 “]

Ukraine – C14 Again

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The ultra-nationalist movement C14 did it again: This time they “cleaned” the Kiev main railway station of Roma.
But what is worse, is that effectively most people will applaud, as the Roma in the railway station were camping there, begging and were often accused of stealing.

– Народная инициатива: Киевский железнодорожный вокзал «зачистили» от ромов. In: Info Resist. 23.10.2018. https://inforesist.org/narodnaya-initsiativa-kievskiy-zheleznodorozhnyiy-vokzal-zachistili-ot-romov/ [link-preview url=”https://inforesist.org/narodnaya-initsiativa-kievskiy-zheleznodorozhnyiy-vokzal-zachistili-ot-romov/”]


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Following the decision of the highest court in Switzerland, begging will be forbidden in the canton Vaud. Sound simple … It is not!

– Interdire la mendicité, une mission impossible? In: Le Temps. 16.10.2018. https://www.letemps.ch/suisse/interdire-mendicite-une-mission-impossible [link-preview url=”https://www.letemps.ch/suisse/interdire-mendicite-une-mission-impossible”]

Begging in Lausanne

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The Swiss Federal Tribunal judged that the law enacted in the canton of Lausanne against begging is conform to the European Human Right Convention and can thus enter in vigour.
It may be conform, but it is still a bad law…

– Le Tribunal fédéral confirme l’interdiction de la mendicité dans le canton de Vaud. In: Le Temps. 04.10.2018. https://www.letemps.ch/suisse/tribunal-federal-confirme-linterdiction-mendicite-canton-vaud
– Interdiction de la mendicité confirmée. In: LFM. 04.10.2018. https://www.lfm.ch/actualite/vaud/interdiction-de-la-mendicite-confirmee/
– La loi sur la mendicité sera finalement appliquée dans le canton de Vaud. In: RTS. 04.10.2018. https://www.rts.ch/info/regions/vaud/9892761-la-loi-sur-la-mendicite-sera-finalement-appliquee-dans-le-canton-de-vaud.html [link-preview url=”https://www.letemps.ch/suisse/tribunal-federal-confirme-linterdiction-mendicite-canton-vaud “]

Bad …

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A video of a fake invalid begging in Bruxelles is trending in Belgium.

– Bruxelles: La mafia des mendiants roms est toujours active. In: DH.be. 27.07.2018. http://www.dhnet.be/regions/bruxelles/bruxelles-la-mafia-des-mendiants-roms-est-toujours-active-5b5a3acf55324d3f1396ba65 [link-preview url=”http://www.dhnet.be/regions/bruxelles/bruxelles-la-mafia-des-mendiants-roms-est-toujours-active-5b5a3acf55324d3f1396ba65″]

Denmark and Begging

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A year passed since Denmark banned begging. They arrested and condemned 52 people for begging, all foreigners. 32 of them were from Romania.
The law was clearly slated against Roma.

– Le Danemark fait le bilan de sa loi anti-mendicité. In: La Croix. 16.07.2018. https://www.la-croix.com/Monde/Europe/Le-Danemark-fait-bilan-loi-anti-mendicite-2018-07-16-1200955438 [link-preview url=”https://www.la-croix.com/Monde/Europe/Le-Danemark-fait-bilan-loi-anti-mendicite-2018-07-16-1200955438″]

Sweden and Begging

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Really bad article. All stereotypes, and untruths.

– INVASION OF ROMA FORCED SWEDEN TO COME UP WITH A LICENSE FOR BEGGING. In: Siver Telegram. 16.06.2018. https://sivtelegram.media/invasion-of-roma-forced-sweden-to-come-up-with-a-license-for-begging/24558/ [link-preview url=”https://sivtelegram.media/invasion-of-roma-forced-sweden-to-come-up-with-a-license-for-begging/24558/”]

French Chronicle …

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The news this week in France are dominated by criminality. A ring of Bulgarian Roma was arrested near Toulouse for having exploited people for mendicity, allegedly holding them like slaves and even torturing them. Bad indeed. Near Paris, other Roma are being investigated for the theft of over a million Euros of smartphones. Finally, a large fight in a Roma camp in Triel sur Seine resulted in 6 arrestations.
Then, in Nice, a rightist politician wants to forbid begging. This has never been a solution and is totally ineffective. This is pure demagogism.
The rest of the news are the usual ones: In the North, some land is being set aside for Roma; in Tours, some Bulgarian Roma camping by the river will be expulsed; and near Paris, Roma are squatting an empty house, much to the anger of neighbours.

– Mendiants violentés, esclavagisme, torture… Ce qu’on sait sur le réseau démantelé à Toulouse. In: Actu.fr. 08.06.2018. https://actu.fr/occitanie/toulouse_31555/mendiants-violentes-esclavagisme-torture-ce-quon-sait-sur-reseau-demantele-toulouse_17199842.html
– Toulouse : démantèlement d’un réseau de Roms bulgares exploitant des mendicants. In: Europe 1. 08.06.2018. http://www.europe1.fr/societe/toulouse-demantelement-dun-reseau-de-roms-bulgares-exploitant-des-mendiants-3676148
– Réseau de mendicité et traite d’êtres humains : opération de police dans un camp de Roms à Toulouse. In: Actu.fr. 05.06.2018. https://actu.fr/occitanie/toulouse_31555/reseau-mendicite-traite-etre-humains-operation-police-camp-roms-toulouse_11816177.html
– Vaste opération de police à Toulouse. In: Toulouse 7. 05.06.2018. https://www.toulouse7.com/2018/06/05/vaste-operation-de-police-a-toulouse/
– Seine-et-Marne et Oise : six Roms mis en examen pour un million d’euros de smartphones volés. In: Le Parisien. 05.06.2018. http://www.leparisien.fr/seine-et-marne-77/seine-et-marne-six-roms-mis-en-examen-pour-un-million-d-euros-de-smartphones-voles-05-06-2018-7754601.php
– Triel-sur-Seine : violente bagarre au camp de Roms, craintes de représailles. In: Temps Réel 78. 08.06.2018. https://tr78.fr/triel-sur-seine-violente-bagarre-au-camp-de-roms-craintes-de-represailles
– Nice: Dans les rues, la mendicité sera bientôt interdite. In: 20 Minutes (FR). 06.06.2018. https://www.20minutes.fr/societe/2284683-20180606-nice-rues-mendicite-bientot-interdite
– Nice : Christian Estrosi va prendre un arrêté contre la mendicité. In: Europe 1. 06.06.2018. http://www.europe1.fr/societe/nice-christian-estrosi-va-prendre-un-arrete-contre-la-mendicite-3673064
– Bientôt un terrain, mis à disposition par la ville, pour les familles roms du Pont-Royal. In: La Voix du Nord. 08.06.2018. http://www.lavoixdunord.fr/393106/article/2018-06-08/bientot-un-terrain-mis-disposition-par-la-ville-pour-les-familles-roms-du-pont
– Les Roms des Iles Noires condamnés à l’expulsion ? In: La Nouvelle République. 09.06.2018. https://www.lanouvellerepublique.fr/indre-et-loire/commune/la-riche/les-roms-des-iles-noires-condamnes-a-l-expulsion
– Thorigny-sur-Marne. Une maison abandonnée est squattée, les riverains vivent « l’enfer ». In: Actu.fr. 07.06.2018. https://actu.fr/ile-de-france/thorigny-sur-marne_77464/thorigny-sur-marne-une-maison-abandonnee-est-squattee-riverains-vivent-lenfer_17145526.html [link-preview url=”https://actu.fr/occitanie/toulouse_31555/mendiants-violentes-esclavagisme-torture-ce-quon-sait-sur-reseau-demantele-toulouse_17199842.html “]

Toronto and Panhandlers

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Seems that some Romnja are begging in the street of Toronto claiming to be refugees from various countries.
Bad for all.

– Panhandlers calling themselves refugees appear on GTA streets. In: City News. 26.03.2018. http://toronto.citynews.ca/2018/03/26/panhandlers-calling-themselves-refugees-appear-on-gta-streets/ [link-preview url=”http://toronto.citynews.ca/2018/03/26/panhandlers-calling-themselves-refugees-appear-on-gta-streets/”]

Austria and Prejudice

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An Essay on the rampant racism against Roma which still exists in Austria nowadays. This article dismantles several of them, such as the one of the begging mafia.
A must read.

– Roma werden in Österreich immer noch diskriminiert – und es ist jedem scheißegal. In: Vice. 21.03.2018. https://www.vice.com/de_at/article/j5byxg/roma-werden-in-osterreich-immer-noch-diskriminiert-und-es-ist-jedem-scheissegal [link-preview url=”https://www.vice.com/de_at/article/j5byxg/roma-werden-in-osterreich-immer-noch-diskriminiert-und-es-ist-jedem-scheissegal”]

Begging and Frankfort

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Seems that the Frankfort authorities are trying to get rid of homeless Roma beggars. The story recently with a stamp in the passport and the comments “aggressive begging” written in the passport are apparently the tip of the iceberg.

– Frankfurt authorities are ‘trying to drive homeless Roma out of town’, says rights group. In: The Local. 21.02.2018. https://www.thelocal.de/20180221/frankfurt-authorities-are-trying-to-drive-homeless-roma-out-of-town-says-rights-group [link-preview url=”https://www.thelocal.de/20180221/frankfurt-authorities-are-trying-to-drive-homeless-roma-out-of-town-says-rights-group”]


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The so-called “Ordnungsamt” – Office of Order – of the city of Frankfurt is in the middle of a controversy. One of their employees stamped the passport of a Romanian Romni with the official office’s stamp and wrote on the passport “Was met while aggressively begging”.
Not only is this illegal but it also reminds one of the past. Let’s hope the person who did this gets booted out.

– Ordnungsamt-Stempel im Pass einer Romni sorgt für Aufsehen. In: Merkurist. 16.02.2018. https://merkurist.de/frankfurt/repressalien-ordnungsamt-stempel-im-pass-einer-romni-sorgt-fuer-aufsehen_tIl [link-preview url=”https://merkurist.de/frankfurt/repressalien-ordnungsamt-stempel-im-pass-einer-romni-sorgt-fuer-aufsehen_tIl”]

Lausanne: Homeless Manifestation

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Homeless people, Roma, addicts etc. and some militants have spent the night outside in front of a church in the centre of town to protest about the lack of sleeping places in the town. The city is known for its interdiction of begging, something directed at Roma even though the number of beggars in the city was never more than 60.

– Ils passent la nuit dehors avec les sans-abri. Le Courrier. 13.11.2017. https://www.lecourrier.ch/154243/ils_passent_la_nuit_dehors_avec_les_sans_abri [link-preview url=”https://www.lecourrier.ch/154243/ils_passent_la_nuit_dehors_avec_les_sans_abri”]

Is Begging a Right?

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An initiative in the Canton Vaud in Switzerland to forbid begging was approved by the cantonal parliament. It is currently suspended while court proceedings against it are in progress. This raises the question as to whether begging is a right.
Actually, the real question is whether this law was racist as it was aimed solely at Roma begging in the street of Lausanne.

– Mendier est-il un droit fondamental? In: Swiss Info. 08.11.2017. https://www.swissinfo.ch/fre/economie/à-la-justice-de-trancher_mendier-est-il-un-droit-fondamental-/43654278 [link-preview url=”https://www.swissinfo.ch/fre/economie/à-la-justice-de-trancher_mendier-est-il-un-droit-fondamental-/43654278″]

France: Murder and Beggars

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Three Bulgarian Roma have been condemned to heavy prison sentences for the murder of another Rom in the North of France. According to the police, the fight arose over the control of the “lucrative” begging in the region.
This is bad, first because begging has never really been a criminal activity, much less a lucrative one. So here, the stereotypes of the Roma begging criminal rings is in full swing.

– Règlement de comptes sur fond de contrôle de mendiants: trois Roms condamnés à 17 et 18 ans de prison. In: Libération. 10.11.2017. http://www.liberation.fr/societe/2017/11/10/reglement-de-comptes-sur-fond-de-controle-de-mendiants-trois-roms-condamnes-a-17-et-18-ans-de-prison_1609382 [link-preview url=”http://www.liberation.fr/societe/2017/11/10/reglement-de-comptes-sur-fond-de-controle-de-mendiants-trois-roms-condamnes-a-17-et-18-ans-de-prison_1609382″]

Austria and Beggars

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An article about the effects of forbidding begging in cities. This does not eradicate this issue, it just distributes it …

– Roma: Bettelverbote lösen die Probleme nicht. In: ORF Vorarblerg. 06.11.2017. http://vorarlberg.orf.at/news/stories/2876441/ [link-preview url=”http://vorarlberg.orf.at/news/stories/2876441/”]
