Michaela Cingeľová, a unique teacher who decided to go to teach at the Ľudmila Podjavorinská Elementary School in Luník IX four years ago. This is one of the most notorious ghettos in Slovakia.
In addition, she founded a project in her hometown that makes Roma children look forward to going to school on Saturdays.
- Vďaka učiteľke z Luníka sa deti tešia do školy aj v sobotu. Miška zdedila srdce otvorené pre Rómov. In: Dobre Noviny. 20.03.2025. https://www.dobrenoviny.sk/c/221623/vdaka-ucitelke-z-lunika-sa-deti-tesia-do-skoly-aj-v-sobotu-miska-ma-pre-romov-otvorene-srdce