Tag Archives: Roma

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On June 19, 2020, during the renovation and construction works at the market square in Tarnogród, the remains of Roma Holocaust victims were found. The exhumation, carried out by the Institute of National Remembrance, uncovered the remains of  22 people: 8 men, 3 women, probably 3 women, 8 children and 2 fetuses. The Roma were murdered by German gendarmes in May 1942.

The remains were buried in the parish cemetery in Prostynia. The ceremony began in the area of ​​the Execution Site at the monument to the Roma and Sinti located next to the Treblinka I Penal Labor Camp, with the participation of the Roma community and invited guests.

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

Very few news on Roma this week in France (always a good thing). First, a report on racism against Roma in France and worrying statistics. A theatre play in the South of France. A comic strip on an Ursari family who comes to France. More political, Roma in Ivry, near Paris, are protesting in front of the Prefecture. And finally, a clean-up operation on the site of a former Roma camp near Paris.

75 Years Ago

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75 Years Ago

May 16th market the 75th anniversary of the Roma Uprising in Auschwitz.

May the victims rest in peace.

Bulgaria and Roma

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An in-depth article on the situation of Roma in Bulgaria and the institutionalisation of racism against them in the government.

– ROMS EN BULGARIE : LE GOUVERNEMENT POUSSE À LA HAINE ET AU RACISME. In: Le Courrier des Balkans. 10.05.2019. https://www.courrierdesbalkans.fr/Bulgarie-les-autorites-a-la-pointe-du-racisme-anti-rom [link-preview url=”https://www.courrierdesbalkans.fr/Bulgarie-les-autorites-a-la-pointe-du-racisme-anti-rom”]

French Chronicle …

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The French news this week were overwhelmingly reporting about the issues in Italy where riots erupted after a Roma family was allocated a flat in a social housing. Many articles in the catholic French press on the pope and his intervention, but also about the overall situation of Roma. And otherwise, the beginning of the Ramadan for Moslem Roma and only two news on camps, one in the North, in Wattrelos, and in Grenoble.

– Le pape manifeste son soutien aux personnes roms victimes de discrimination. In: La Croix. 11.05.2019. https://www.la-croix.com/Religion/Catholicisme/Pape/Le-pape-manifeste-soutien-personnes-roms-victimes-discrimination-2019-05-11-1201021045
– L’Europe est l’espoir des Roms. In: La Croix. 12.05.2019. https://www.la-croix.com/Monde/Europe/LEurope-lespoir-Roms-2019-05-12-1201021176
– Le pape dénonce les tensions à Rome autour d’une famille rom en HLM. In: TV5 Monde. 09.05.2019. https://information.tv5monde.com/info/le-pape-denonce-les-tensions-rome-autour-d-une-famille-rom-en-hlm-299416
– L’attribution d’un HLM à une famille de Roms attise la tension. In: Le Courrier International. 09.05.2019. https://www.courrierinternational.com/revue-de-presse/italie-lattribution-dun-hlm-une-famille-de-roms-attise-la-tension
– Pape François: les Roms ne sont pas des “citoyens de seconde classe”. In: Cath.ch. 09.05.2019. https://www.cath.ch/newsf/pape-francois-les-roms-ne-sont-pas-des-citoyens-de-seconde-classe/
– Un groupe de Roms reçu par le Pape pour un temps de prière. In: Vatican News. 09.05.2019. https://www.vaticannews.va/fr/pape/news/2019-05/pape-francois-rencontre-priere-roms-sinte-vatican.html
– À Nantes, l’Europe bute sur l’intégration des Roms. In: Ouest France. 10.05.2019. https://larochesuryon.maville.com/sortir/infos_-a-nantes-l-europe-bute-sur-l-integration-des-roms_fil-3716819_actu.Htm
– Fête du ramadan à Clichy-sous-Bois : la main tendue des musulmans aux Roms. In: Le Parisien. 10.05.2019. http://www.leparisien.fr/seine-saint-denis-93/clichy-sous-bois-on-n-a-jamais-eu-de-probleme-avec-les-roms-10-05-2019-8069457.php
– Wattrelos Le camp de Roms du Sartel, une histoire sans fin. In: La Voix du Nord. 07.05.2019. https://www.lavoixdunord.fr/579468/article/2019-05-07/le-camp-de-roms-du-sartel-une-histoire-sans-fin
– Le Bidonville du terrain Courtade de Fontaine a été évacué et rasé vendredi 3 au matin. In: Place Grenet. 06.05.2019. https://www.placegrenet.fr/2019/05/06/bidonville-courtade-fontaine-evacuation/241234 [link-preview url=”https://www.la-croix.com/Religion/Catholicisme/Pape/Le-pape-manifeste-soutien-personnes-roms-victimes-discrimination-2019-05-11-1201021045 “]

Romani Rose on 8th of April

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The chairman of the German Council of Sinti and Roma, Romani Rose, spoke on April 8th about the dangers of thinking along racial lines and of the dangers of extremism.

– Sinti und Roma warnen vor „völkischem Denken“. In: DLF 24. 09.04.2019. https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/welt-roma-tag-sinti-und-roma-warnen-vor-voelkischem-denken.2849.de.html?drn:news_id=995258 [link-preview url=”https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/welt-roma-tag-sinti-und-roma-warnen-vor-voelkischem-denken.2849.de.html?drn:news_id=995258″]

Germany and Roma

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Germany should live up to its historic responsibility towards Sinti and Roma. The Bundestag passed a corresponding government proposal. An expert panel will submit a report. Romani Rose spoke of an important step.

– Bundestag will mehr Einsatz gegen Hass auf Sinti und Roma. In: Migazin. 25.03.2019. http://www.migazin.de/2019/03/25/bundestag-einsatz-hass-sinti-roma/ [link-preview url=”http://www.migazin.de/2019/03/25/bundestag-einsatz-hass-sinti-roma/”]

Germany and Discrimination

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A new study shows the everyday discrimination against Roma in the region of Freiburg.

– Studie: Sinti und Roma in Freiburg werden diskriminiert. In: Fudder. 21.03.2019. http://fudder.de/eine-studie-aus-freiburg-zeigt-wie-sinti-und-roma-rassismus-erfahren–168913693.html [link-preview url=”http://fudder.de/eine-studie-aus-freiburg-zeigt-wie-sinti-und-roma-rassismus-erfahren–168913693.html”]

Croatia and Discrimination

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In Međimurje, in the north of Croatia, Roma are victims of discriminations and exclusion. Measures rank from not paying social help in cash but rather in coupons, but the exclusion lies in work, in segregated neighbourhoods etc.

– CROATIE : EXCLUSION ET DISCRIMINATIONS POUR LES ROMS DU MEĐIMURJE. In: Le Courrier des Balkans. 19.03.2019. https://www.courrierdesbalkans.fr/Croatie-discriminations-roms-medjimurje [link-preview url=”https://www.courrierdesbalkans.fr/Croatie-discriminations-roms-medjimurje”]

Germany: Concrete Steps

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The German Parliament, the Bundestag, has decided to fight Antiziganism in Germany. An expert commission will be documenting the racism and hate against Roma and Sinti in Germany and present its findings in 2021.

– Bundestag mit „Verantwortung“. In: TAZ. 22.03.2019. http://www.taz.de/!5579756/
– Getrenntes Bekenntnis zu Sinti und Roma im Bundestag. In: Neue Presse. 22.03.2019. http://www.neuepresse.de/Nachrichten/Politik/Deutschland-Welt/Diskriminierung-Getrenntes-Bekenntnis-zu-Sinti-und-Roma-im-Bundestag
– Bundestag stellt sich gegen Diskriminierung von Sinti und Roma. In: Domradio. 22.03.2019. https://www.domradio.de/themen/kirche-und-politik/2019-03-22/keine-einstimmigkeit-bundestag-stellt-sich-gegen-diskriminierung-von-sinti-und-roma
– Bundestag stellt sich mit breiter Mehrheit gegen Antiziganismus. In: Nau. 22.03.2019. https://www.nau.ch/politik/international/bundestag-stellt-sich-mit-breiter-mehrheit-gegen-antiziganismus-65498474
– Opposition bedauert uneiniges Votum gegen Antiziganismus. In: Wirtschaft. 22.03.2019. https://wirtschaft.com/opposition-bedauert-uneiniges-votum-gegen-antiziganismus/ [link-preview url=”https://www.domradio.de/themen/kirche-und-politik/2019-03-22/keine-einstimmigkeit-bundestag-stellt-sich-gegen-diskriminierung-von-sinti-und-roma “]

Ede and Unku

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The background to a standard book in Eastern Germany featuring a Romani girl. She existed and died in a concentration camp.

– Ede und Unku – die wahre Geschichte. In: Freie Presse. 17.03.2019. https://www.freiepresse.de/nachrichten/panorama/ede-und-unku-die-wahre-geschichte-artikel10470233 [link-preview url=”https://www.freiepresse.de/nachrichten/panorama/ede-und-unku-die-wahre-geschichte-artikel10470233″]

Munich and Holocaust

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Events marked the commemoration of the deportation of Sinti from Munich to Auschwitz, 76 years ago.

– Sinti und Roma. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung. 12.03.2019. https://www.sueddeutsche.de/muenchen/wissenstipp-sinti-und-roma-1.4364214
– Deportiert in den Tod. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung. 14.03.2019. https://www.sueddeutsche.de/muenchen/verfolgung-deportiert-in-den-tod-1.4368187 [link-preview url=”https://www.sueddeutsche.de/muenchen/wissenstipp-sinti-und-roma-1.4364214 “]


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A new memorial for the Roma concentration camp of Dubnice. Roma were executed there in February 1945 following a typhus epidemy in the camp.

– VIDEO: Tragédiu pripomína kríž z nábojníc. In: Pravda. 22.02.2019. https://spravy.pravda.sk/domace/clanok/503163-video-tragediu-pripomina-kriz-z-nabojnic/ [link-preview url=”https://spravy.pravda.sk/domace/clanok/503163-video-tragediu-pripomina-kriz-z-nabojnic/”]

Bulgaria and Roma

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An article about the worsening situation of Roma in Bulgaria and about the increasing racism against them in a country where there was little if any 20 years ago.

– ‘Free Abortion’ Talk No Real Surprise To Bulgaria’s Roma. In: Radio Free Europe. 21.02.2019. https://www.rferl.org/a/free-abortion-talk-no-real-surprise-to-bulgarias-roma/29782385.html [link-preview url=”https://www.rferl.org/a/free-abortion-talk-no-real-surprise-to-bulgarias-roma/29782385.html”]

Czech – Most

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A series on Czech TV is making the headlines. It is quite a hit, is set in a mostly Roma part of a town, and features also Roma.
There are some critiques who say the depiction of the Roma is too simplistic, and that many stereotypes are presented, but actually the largest opposition to the series comes from the extreme right.

– Czech TV’s Genre-Busting Comedy Is a Hit. In: TOL. 20.01.2019. https://www.tol.org/client/article/28244-czech-republic-roma-gypsies-tv-show-transsexuals.html [link-preview url=”https://www.tol.org/client/article/28244-czech-republic-roma-gypsies-tv-show-transsexuals.html”]

Not Surprised …

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A Czech court stopped the prosecution of a man accused of threatening a well-known Roma singer on social medias.

– Czech court conditionally suspends prosecution of man who threatened to kill Romani celebrity. In: Romea. 15.02.2019. http://www.romea.cz/en/news/czech/czech-court-conditionally-suspends-prosecution-of-man-who-threatened-to-kill-romani-celebrity [link-preview url=”http://www.romea.cz/en/news/czech/czech-court-conditionally-suspends-prosecution-of-man-who-threatened-to-kill-romani-celebrity”]

Slovakia and Work

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A discussion under the auspices of a Slovak Association on the inequalities and discrimination faced by Roma when looking for work. According to the association, Roma are much less likely to get a job even with the same qualifications.

– Na trhu práce stále pretrváva diskriminácia na úkor Rómov. In: SME Domov. 14.02.2019. https://domov.sme.sk/c/22053162/na-trhu-prace-stale-pretrvava-diskriminacia-na-ukor-romov.html
– Firmy sa zhodli: Rómov sa oplatí zamestnať. In: HN Slovensko. 15.02.2019. https://slovensko.hnonline.sk/1891483-firmy-sa-zhodli-romov-sa-oplati-zamestnat
– Rómov firmy nechcú. Dokážu byť pritom lojálni a pracovať roky v jednej spoločnosti. In: Trend. 14.02.2019. https://www.etrend.sk/ekonomika/romov-firmy-nechcu-dokazu-byt-pritom-loajalni-a-pacovat-roky-v-jednej-spolocnosti.html [link-preview url=”https://domov.sme.sk/c/22053162/na-trhu-prace-stale-pretrvava-diskriminacia-na-ukor-romov.html “]
