Tag Archives: Romani Rose

Sinti, Roma, and Music

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Romani Rose,  the Chairman of the Central Council stated that  Sinti and Roma influenced Europe’s music and that when people talk about European culture, Sinti and Roma are often easily forgotten. He would therefore like to open a museum as well as a permanent exhibition in the long term.


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The Research Centre for Antigypsyism at Heidelberg University has celebrated its fifth anniversary. The chairman of the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma, Romani Rose, said at the ceremony that the research centre made it clear how important it is to also deal with the phenomenon of antigypsyism at a scientific level.

Romani Rose

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Romani Rose

A movie on Romani Rose, Chairman of the Council of German Sinti and Roma where he speaks about his family.

Romani Rose

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An interview and discussion with Romani Rose, the chairman of the German Council of Sinti and Roma.

Romani Rose on 8th of April

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The chairman of the German Council of Sinti and Roma, Romani Rose, spoke on April 8th about the dangers of thinking along racial lines and of the dangers of extremism.

– Sinti und Roma warnen vor „völkischem Denken“. In: DLF 24. 09.04.2019. https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/welt-roma-tag-sinti-und-roma-warnen-vor-voelkischem-denken.2849.de.html?drn:news_id=995258 [link-preview url=”https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/welt-roma-tag-sinti-und-roma-warnen-vor-voelkischem-denken.2849.de.html?drn:news_id=995258″]

Germany and Roma

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Germany should live up to its historic responsibility towards Sinti and Roma. The Bundestag passed a corresponding government proposal. An expert panel will submit a report. Romani Rose spoke of an important step.

– Bundestag will mehr Einsatz gegen Hass auf Sinti und Roma. In: Migazin. 25.03.2019. http://www.migazin.de/2019/03/25/bundestag-einsatz-hass-sinti-roma/ [link-preview url=”http://www.migazin.de/2019/03/25/bundestag-einsatz-hass-sinti-roma/”]

Not Surprised …

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A Czech court stopped the prosecution of a man accused of threatening a well-known Roma singer on social medias.

– Czech court conditionally suspends prosecution of man who threatened to kill Romani celebrity. In: Romea. 15.02.2019. http://www.romea.cz/en/news/czech/czech-court-conditionally-suspends-prosecution-of-man-who-threatened-to-kill-romani-celebrity [link-preview url=”http://www.romea.cz/en/news/czech/czech-court-conditionally-suspends-prosecution-of-man-who-threatened-to-kill-romani-celebrity”]

Germany and Extremism

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A study of the Leipzig university shows an increase in authoritarian and extreme right views in Germany. It highlights that every third German has anti-foreigner and racist views. Romani Rose, Chairman of the German Council of Sinti and Roma is warning against this.

– Leipziger “Autoritarismus-Studie” zeigt den dringenden Handlungsbedarf, um Antiziganismus und andere Formen von Menschenfeindlichkeit zu ächten. In: Presseportal. 07.11.2018. https://www.presseportal.de/pm/128332/4108595
– Extreme Mitte beleuchtet. In: Junge Welt. 08.11.2018. https://www.jungewelt.de/artikel/343140.extreme-mitte-beleuchtet.html
– Alarmierende Befunde zum Fremdenhass – mit Hang zur Dramatisierung. In: Die Welt. 07.11.2018. https://www.welt.de/politik/deutschland/article183429356/Autoritarismus-Studie-2018-Erhebung-zu-Fremdenhass-hat-ein-Manko.html
– JEDER 3. DEUTSCHE VERTRITT AUSLÄNDERFEINDLICHE POSITIONEN. In: MDR.07.11.2018. https://www.mdr.de/wissen/antworten/wie-ticken-die-deutschen-autoritarismus-studie-100.html
– Immer mehr Deutsche lehnen Ausländer und Minderheiten ab. In: Augsburger Allgemeine. https://www.augsburger-allgemeine.de/politik/Immer-mehr-Deutsche-lehnen-Auslaender-und-Minderheiten-ab-id52638306.html
– Mehr Vorurteile gegen Ausländer und Muslime. In: Deutsche Welle. 07.11.2018. https://www.dw.com/de/mehr-vorurteile-gegen-ausländer-und-muslime/a-46172898 [link-preview url=”https://www.presseportal.de/pm/128332/4108595 “]


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Following the derogatory remarks by the EU parliament president Tajani, the Alliance against Antigypsyism is asking him for a clear position against antigypsyism. He had stated that the minimal income that the new government wants to introduce in Italy would land in the pockets of Roma.
Among the prominent signatories: Romani Rose of the German Council of Sinti and Roma.

– Alliance against Antigypsyism demands clear commitment of EP President Tajani against antigypsyism. In: European Interest. 29.10.2018. https://www.europeaninterest.eu/article/alliance-antigypsyism-demands-clear-commitment-ep-president-tajani-antigypsyism/ [link-preview url=”https://www.europeaninterest.eu/article/alliance-antigypsyism-demands-clear-commitment-ep-president-tajani-antigypsyism/”]

Czech Republic …

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Torture and racism … Some articles in the Czech press about a Rom who was tortured by the police.

– Policisté měli z muže vymlátit přiznání, hrozí jim až osm let! In: TN.cz. 17.09.2018. http://tn.nova.cz/clanek/policiste-meli-z-muze-vymlatit-priznani-hrozi-jim-az-osm-let.html
– Generální inspekce stíhá dva budějovické policisty kvůli mučení Roma. Přinutili ho k doznání ve věci, kterou nespáchal. In: Romea. 17.09.2018. http://www.romea.cz/cz/zpravodajstvi/domaci/generalni-inspekce-stiha-dva-budejovicke-policisty-kvuli-muceni-roma-prinutili-ho-k-doznani-ve-veci-kterou-nespachal
– Czech Inspector-General prosecuting two police officers for torturing Romani man into a false confession. In: Romea. 17.09.2018. http://www.romea.cz/en/news/czech/czech-inspector-general-prosecuting-two-police-officers-for-torturing-romani-man-into-a-false-confession#.W6CHARTFQoE.facebook [link-preview url=”http://tn.nova.cz/clanek/policiste-meli-z-muze-vymlatit-priznani-hrozi-jim-az-osm-let.html “]

Interview of Romani Rose

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An interview in Prague of Romani Rose, president of the German Central Council of Sinti and Roma.

– Romani Rose: Society must condemn antigypsyism just as it condemns antisemitism. In: Romea. 13.09.2018. http://www.romea.cz/en/features-and-commentary/interviews/romani-rose-society-must-condemn-antigypsyism-just-as-it-condemns-antisemitism#.W5pwT9CWMxU.facebook [link-preview url=”http://www.romea.cz/en/features-and-commentary/interviews/romani-rose-society-must-condemn-antigypsyism-just-as-it-condemns-antisemitism#.W5pwT9CWMxU.facebook”]


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The Khamoro Festival opened in Prague last Sunday. An exhibition on Roma was also unveiled in this context. Romani Rose, President of the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma was present at the inauguration and gave a speech.

– VERDRÄNGT UND GELEUGNET: DAS SCHICKSAL DER ROMA. In: Radio Prague. 29.05.2018. http://www.radio.cz/de/rubrik/tagesecho/verdraengt-und-geleugnet-das-schicksal-der-roma [link-preview url=”http://www.radio.cz/de/rubrik/tagesecho/verdraengt-und-geleugnet-das-schicksal-der-roma”]

Germany and Roma

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Romani Rose, the President of the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma considers anti-Gypsism as a widespread social problem. According to him, Sinti and Roma still have to fight against exclusion. He also opposed the recognition of several Balkan countries as “safe” for Roma.

– Rada Sinti i Romów: jesteśmy nadal dyskryminowani. In: Deutsche Welle. 13.02.2018. http://www.dw.com/pl/rada-sinti-i-romów-jesteśmy-nadal-dyskryminowani/a-42574465 [link-preview url=”http://www.dw.com/pl/rada-sinti-i-romów-jesteśmy-nadal-dyskryminowani/a-42574465″]

Czech Republic: Okamura

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The Czech MP and leader of an extreme right party Tomio Okamura cast doubts about the events that occurred in the Roma Camp of Lety: On the Holocaust Remembrance Day, he stated in an interview on television the camp was not fenced in and people could walk in our out.
Well, Mr. Okamura should get his fact rights, and he should be prosecuted for Holocaust Denial.
Note that on the picture here, he is in good company ….

– Czech MP marks International Holocaust Remembrance Day by doubting what happened at Romani genocide site. In: Romea.cz. 30.01.2018. http://www.romea.cz/en/news/czech/czech-mp-marks-international-holocaust-remembrance-day-by-doubting-what-happened-at-romani-genocide-site
– Múzeum rómskej kultúry žiada verejné ospravedlnenie od Tomia Okamuru. In: Aktuality. 29.01.2018. https://www.aktuality.sk/clanok/559546/muzeum-romskej-kultury-ziada-verejne-ospravedlnenie-od-tomia-okamuru/
– Museum asks Okamura to apologise for words on Lety camp. In: The Prague Daily Monitor. 30.01.2018. http://praguemonitor.com/2018/01/30/czech-museum-asks-okamura-apologise-words-lety-camp [link-preview url=”https://www.aktuality.sk/clanok/559546/muzeum-romskej-kultury-ziada-verejne-ospravedlnenie-od-tomia-okamuru/ “]


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The president of the German Federal Criminal Police visited the documentation centre of the Central Council of the German Sinti and Roma and met with its president, Romani Rose.
Purpose of the visit: Dialogue and discussion on the situation of Sinti and Roma in Germany.

– Präsident des Bundeskriminalamtes Holger Münch zu Besuch im Dokumentations- und Kulturzentrum Deutscher Sinti und Roma. In: Zentralrat Sinti and Roma. 12.01.2018. http://zentralrat.sintiundroma.de/praesident-des-bundeskriminalamtes-holger-muench-zu-besuch-im-dokumentations-und-kulturzentrum-deutscher-sinti-und-roma/ [link-preview url=”http://zentralrat.sintiundroma.de/praesident-des-bundeskriminalamtes-holger-muench-zu-besuch-im-dokumentations-und-kulturzentrum-deutscher-sinti-und-roma/”]


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We will not leave this country to the Nazis. It is our country too!
An appeal from Romani Rose, chariman of the German Council of Sinti and Roma.

– https://www.facebook.com/BeLapoBi/photos/a.252191191905274.1073741828.237921856665541/387364668387925/?type=3&theater [link-preview url=”https://www.facebook.com/BeLapoBi/photos/a.252191191905274.1073741828.237921856665541/387364668387925/?type=3&theater”]

Romani Rose

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The president of the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma was awarded the highest German order for his work.

– Romani Rose mit dem Großen Bundesverdienstkreuz ausgezeichnet. In: Zentralrat Sinti und Roma. 04.10.2017. http://zentralrat.sintiundroma.de/romani-rose-mit-dem-grossen-bundesverdienstkreuz-ausgezeichnet/ [link-preview url=”http://zentralrat.sintiundroma.de/romani-rose-mit-dem-grossen-bundesverdienstkreuz-ausgezeichnet/”]

Germany on a French Movie

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Romani Rose, from the central Council of German Sinti and Roma strongly condemned the movie “A bras Ouverts” [Hereinspaziert in German] from the French comedian Christian Clavier. We had already reported that in France the movie was also strongly condemned for its stereotypical depiction of Roma.

– “Film ‘Hereinspaziert!’ macht Geld auf unsere Kosten”. In: DlF24. 27.09.2017. http://www.deutschlandfunk.de/sinti-und-roma-film-hereinspaziert-macht-geld-auf-unsere.2849.de.html?drn:news_id=796898 [link-preview url=”http://www.deutschlandfunk.de/sinti-und-roma-film-hereinspaziert-macht-geld-auf-unsere.2849.de.html?drn:news_id=796898″]

Leipzig: Conference

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Romani Rose, chairman of the Central Council of Sinti and Roma will present an overview of the Roma civil right movement in Germany and discuss the challenges Sinti and Roma are now facing.

– Die Bürgerrechtsbewegung der Sinti und Roma – Erfahrungen und aktuelle Herausforderungen. In: Leipziginfo. http://www.leipziginfo.de/veranstaltungen/event/termin/die-buergerrechtsbewegung-der-sinti-und-roma-erfahrungen-und-aktuelle-herausforderungen-5576/
– Vorsitzender des Zentralrats Deutscher Sinti und Roma in Leipzig. In: Focus Info. 15.09.2017. http://www.focus.de/regional/stadt-leipzig-vorsitzender-des-zentralrats-deutscher-sinti-und-roma-in-leipzig_id_7598841.html [link-preview url=”http://www.leipziginfo.de/veranstaltungen/event/termin/die-buergerrechtsbewegung-der-sinti-und-roma-erfahrungen-und-aktuelle-herausforderungen-5576/ “]

Bibliography: Romani Rose

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An article on the bibliography of Romani Rose, the president of the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma, about his combats for the recognition of the Holocaust on Sinti and Roma.

– Die erste Demo in ihrer Geschichte. In: TAZ. 25.07.2017. http://www.taz.de/!5425093/ [link-preview url=”http://www.taz.de/!5425093/”]
