Osada, the Slovak name of Roma settlements, are slowly changing. Here the story of new hairdresser in a new house in the settlement in Medzev, Eastern Slovakia.
- Romské osady na Slovensku se mění. V Medzevu rostou nové domy a barbera Daniela čeká stáž v USA. In: iRozhlas. 18.05.2024. https://www.irozhlas.cz/zpravy-svet/romske-osady-na-slovensku-se-meni-v-medzevu-rostou-nove-domy-a-barbera-daniela_2405181128_kac
Tag Archives: Settlement
Roma Settlements
Housing, water, sewerage, but also education and work are among the biggest problems of the marginalized Roma community. However, improving these issues is often slowed by the problem of land ownership, which is very often unresolved in such settlements.
- Pitná voda, bývanie i vzdelávanie trápia samosprávy s rómskou komunitou. In: Korzar. 07.05.2024. https://spis.korzar.sme.sk/c/23326966/pitna-voda-nevysporiadane-pozemky-i-vzdelavanie-trapia-samospravy-s-romskou-komunitou.html
- Rezort investícii: Sociálne podniky sú potenciálom pre menej rozvinuté okresy. In: eReport. 07.05.2024. https://ereport.sk/socialne-podniky-su-potencialom/
Reportage in a Settlement
A TV crew visited a controversial Roma settlement in Koszary, near Limanowa. The case of these Roma has filled many articles in the Polish press.
During the broadcast of the report, Roma children said in front of the camera that they were called names, ridiculed, attacked and beaten – but the young boys did not present any specific situations. Their parents told that they had no other choice than to burn refuse to heat, something what neighbours hav been complaining a lot.
- “Sprawa dla reportera” o Romach z Koszar (ZDJĘCIA). In: Limanowa. 05.05.2024. https://limanowa.in/aktualnosci/sprawa-dla-reportera-o-romach-z-koszar/71297
Trebišov: At Last
More than a year after a fire ravaged a Roma settlement in Trebišov, Slovakia, a more suitable housing has been provided by a NGO. Until then, many of the Roma had to live in tents, even through the winter.
The state is pretty much absent here.
- Žili v škole, ale aj v stanoch. Rómovia z trebišovskej osady dostali po vyše roku náhradné bývanie. In RTV. 06.05.2024. https://spravy.rtvs.sk/2024/05/zili-v-skole-ale-aj-v-stanoch-romovia-z-trebisovskej-osady-dostali-po-vyse-roku-nahradne-byvanie/
Slovakia, CNN, and Roma
Does one really have to report on this? A brawl among Roma in a settlement in Slovakia makes it to CNN.
Bad for all.
- Rvačka rodin v romské osadě na Slovensku. In: CNN. 01.05.2024. https://cnn.iprima.cz/videa/cnnslovensko/rvacka-rodin-v-romske-osade-na-slovensku
Roma Settlement
The story of a Roma settlement in Slovakia where people used to live in wooden huts with earthen floors. Now, ten years later, they live in brick houses, and are beter off, but still no one there has completed high school.
- Z chatrče je možné dostať aj celú osadu. Príbeh Rómov zo Slovenského raja desať rokov po presťahovaní (reportáž). In: Dennik N. 25.04.2024. https://dennikn.sk/3956186/uz-maju-kupelnu-stastnejsi-aj-pracu-ale-zostali-izolovani-pribeh-romov-zo-slovenskeho-raja-desat-rokov-po-prestahovani-reportaz/
Slovenia: Arson
The kindergarten of a Roma settlement in Dobruška was set afire. Why and by whom is still unknown.
- POŽAR V ROMSKEM NASELJU / FOTO: Kdo je zažgal romski vrtec v Dobruški vasi? In: Dolenjski List. 27.03.2024. https://dolenjskilist.svet24.si/2024/03/27/286836/novice/dolenjska/foto_kdo_je_zazgal_romski_vrtec_v_dobruski_vasi/#google_vignette
The Šutka
An article in the Serbian press of the largest Roma settlement in North Macedonia, the Šutka. There, Romanes is an official language.
- Romsko stanovništvo u Šutki se može zaista pohvaliti velikom prepoznatljivošću, tradicijom i posebnošću. In; Telegraf. 12.12.2023. https://www.telegraf.rs/vesti/jugosfera/3799385-suto-orizari-jedina-opstina-na-svetu-sa-sluzbenim-romskim-jezikom
Serbia: The Opovo Settlement
The new settlement in Opovo is one of the more organized of the Vojvodina region, having been built in 2019 by a European Union project with the aim of integrating the Roma population into the local community. It was visited by representatives of the National Council of the Roma National Minority and the province on the occasion of the “Children’s Games”.
- Opovo – primer dobre prakse inkluzije Roma. In: RTV. 04.08.2023. https://www.rtv.rs/sr_lat/vojvodina/banat/opovo-primer-dobre-prakse-inkluzije-roma_1465710.html