14.06.2013 Rroma and the Slovak School System

Schultheis (2013) reports on a privately funded secondary school in Kremnica in Slovakia, where Rroma children are supposed to gain better access to higher education. The educational institution is financed by private funds, which the school principal has to search for continuously. The students, who usually come from very modest backgrounds, have nothing to pay. The project creates a counterpoint to the often criticized segregation of Rroma children in Slovak public schools, where, up till now and in spite of massive international criticism, little has changed. The school supports motivated Rroma children from the poorest slums in the east of the country. There, most settlements have unemployment rates that tend toward 100%. Schultheis finally states: “According to a new UN study, one in five Roma children in Slovakia is enrolled in a special school for the mentally disabled. The Slovak government repeatedly rejected claims of alleged systematic discrimination. Nevertheless, a debate has now broken out on how the education crisis can be stopped. Kremnica could lead the way.”


  • Schultheis, Silja (2013) Slowakisches Vorbild für Integration. In: Deutschlandfunk vom 11.6.2013. 