26.04.2013 Criticism of the U.S. State Department on Hungary’s Minority Policy

Pester Lloyd (2013) reports on the subdued reaction of the Hungarian government on the U.S. State Department report on the human rights situation in Hungary. The government criticised the report as flawed and prejudiced. The report criticises the continued discrimination against Rroma in access to educational institutions and to the labour market. In addition, nothing was done against the regular parades of right-wing groups in 2012 in Rroma settlements. The Hungarian State Secretary Kovaks criticised the report on the basis that it considers the problems of the Hungarian state only “on the basis of human rights.”


  • Pester Lloyd (2013) Ungarn weist US-Kritik an Romapolitik zurück, Start gemeinsamer Roma-Projekte mit Deutschland. In: Pester Lloyd vom 22.4.2013. 