French Chronicle …

Clearly, with the events in France, the “Rroma Problem” somehow faded in the background. Interestingly enough, the Rroma yes, the “Gens du Voyage” [Travellers], not. So here’s a short overview of the general news: In La Courneuve, where Rroma were expelled from their camp, expelled Rroma organised a dinner for the victims of the attacks in Paris; an article about the scholarisation of Rroma children; in Lyon, a demonstration for migrants was annulled following the attacks; in the north, Rroma have problems to get their skills recognised; Rroma are still squatting; in another place, the illegal camps are resolved – allegedly; in Beziers, in the South, an association against Racism is being asked to vacate their offices; in the West, in la Rochelle, health is more important than money, thanks God; some people are thinking about the causes for the attack; and finally, festivals and music in various place in France on Rroma.