Since in their views, the state’s measures in the field of solving the Roma problem have been unsuccessful, the Regional Civil Initiative for solving the Roma problem demands that the government invite them to a meeting within a month. “We want to check whether they will accept the proposals formulated by the 11 mayors of the southeast region,” explained Silva Mesojedec: “If the government does not accept us, we will no longer prevent the creation of village guards and other forms of organizing residents.”
The proposal was refused on the grounds that it singled out a minority, i.e. was not conform to the constitution.
- Civilne iniciative o romski problematiki: “Če nam vlada ne bo prisluhnila, gremo na cesto!” In: Dnevnik 27.08.2024.
- Mesojedec: Če nas vlada ne bo sprejela, ne bomo več preprečevali vaških straž. In: Delo. 27.08.2024.
- Če vlada ne bo rešila težav z Romi, civilne iniciative napovedujejo proteste. In: Slovenske Novice. 27.08.2024.
- Predstavniki Regijske civilne iniciative: Če se vlada ne odzove, so možni tudi protesti. In: Mestnik. 27.08.2024.
- Dolenjci zaradi Romov grozijo z vaškimi stražami. In: Reporter. 27.08.2024.